Pet Peeves


What irritates you?  I mean “angry enough to chew nails and spit rivets.”

For me it’s the announcers and annalists that cover certain sports events or news programs.  That keep repeating cutesy cliches and then grinning because they think they are clever.  Yes, I know that the second sentence of the first paragraph is a cliche.  However, it will [most probably] be a long time before I use it again.

I’m a NASCAR fan–perhaps I’m even an addict.  One of the NASCAR news programs that I regularly watch, features a personality that loves to throw out those cliches again, and again, and again.  <rant on> Sometimes I just want to stuff a dirty sock in that grinning mouth.  <rant off>  Yah, I know not very Christian of me, huh?  I worked very hard to exorcise those things from speech.  Perhaps that why it bugs me?

So what “pushes your buttons.”