The Road Ahead


Yesterday, I had a session with my chiropractor.  Afterward, I returned home.  Shortly after I left the office, I turned onto to the state highway.  About a half-mile ahead it was l like a white sheet had been draped across the road.  It might have been a fog bank, but conditions weren’t right for that.

As I neared that area I could see that it was the edge of a snow storm.  I drove a few miles through that, and then came out the other side the way was perfectly clear ahead.  I made a turn off the highway and after going about a mile.  Another white “sheet” limited my view.  It was not falling snow.  It was wind-blown snow, or drifting.  Through that area the road is a few feet above the fields to each side.  This results in an aerodynamic effect that lifts the snow from the grown and “sucks” it up into the wind. (It’s the Bernoulli effect if you’re interested.)  I was soon past that spot and the way home was once again clear.


Sometimes life is like that.  You can’t clearly see the way forward.