Peonies on Parade

Peonies?  Yes, we have them.  Let me show you three of them. These are an interesting study in lighting.  If you get past the color differences, you can see different types of lighting illustrated.  In the first (pink), the subject is in shade and the light is flat, non-directional.  Contrast is fairly low and details are more clearly seen.


In the second (purple), direct sunlight is coming from behind the flower and slightly to the left.  I did a tiny bit of touch-up with a graphics program.


The final (white) subject was the most difficult.  The sun illuminates a little over half of this beauty.  Also it is white, which means the highest contrast.  It took a bit more touch-up to satisfy me with this image.160605d

I should have waited for an overcast day, but I didn’t.  Sometimes it’s enough to just enjoy the beauty of creation.

Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. Matthew 6:29