Up Tempo

Last evening, right on schedule, we heard a knock on the door.  It was our friend, Sharkbytes.  This evening, she is the featured speaker at our church’s mother/daughter banquet.

Yesterday, Sylvia had harvested sixteen pounds of rhubarb.  In the afternoon, with assistance from her part-time helper, Sylvia baked a rhubarb pie.  It was not easy, but we did wait to bite into that delightful creation until Sharkey arrived.  You can see a picture here.

When last we met, we made a promise to do some music together and that’s what we did.

Just having fun.

Just having fun.

Sylvia was supposed to join in on guitar, but the broken wrist has removed that option.  She still has her voice and joined in the singing.

We heard from the orthopedist today with results from the C-T scan.  Sylvia has a dislocated fracture.  We’ll be back in his office on Monday morning.  Further diagnostics to follow.

We’re having a fun day.  Lots of music, talk and laughter.  Life is good.

What a Week

It has been one busy week for us.  It started Sunday.  After lunch Sylvia and friend, Bonnie, drove to Flint for Crystal García’s graduation party.

Angel, Crystal, Sylvia, Eveliz and Edeline. (photo by Bonnie

Angel, Crystal, Sylvia, Eveliz and Edeline. (photo by Bonnie)

Crystal just graduated with high honors from the University of Michigan – Flint.  Her degree is in psychology.  We’ve known Crystal and her family since her father came to pastor the church we attended in Connecticut.  At that time, Crystal was a pre-schooler.  Later, Rev. Angel Gardía accepted the call to pastor a church in Flint.

That was Sunday.  On Monday, I took Sylvia to Hastings in the morning.  At the orthopedist’s office, they removed her plaster splint, the doctor examined her wrist.  It was not perfectly set as we had thought.  After that a technician put a fiberglass cast on her arm.

Monday afternoon I took her back to Hastings for a C-T scan of the break area.  We are still waiting hear about the results.  We expected a call on Tuesday, but are still waiting.  The office said, “Probably tomorrow.”

So far this week has flown by with many things happening.  I want to do like Hobbes (Lin’s not Calvin’s) and take a nap.

Quo Vadis

Today’s post title (Quo Vadis) comes from Latin.  It means “where are you going?”

Lately I’ve been on a blooming flower frenzy.  That continues, just because I like it.

I've been eagerly waiting for these

I’ve been eagerly waiting for these

First one red tulip opened.  A couple of days later, there were two red tulip.  Shortly after, we have all the tulips, red, yellow, and the combination of those decorating our flower beds.  Aren’t these yellow tulips with red veins particularly attractive?

Between our garage and barn there is a peculiar shrubbery growing.  I believe that the original occupants “heeled in” an azalea and a rhododendron.  That would have been a temporary measure.  Life, or cessation of the same, intervened and the two shrubs remained in their [supposed to be] temporary home.  By the time we moved here, fifteen years ago, the roots were so intertwined that I couldn’t separate them.  (Yes, there is a parable in this.)

Now we have early azalea blossoms and later, rhododendron blossoms will grace this impossible shrub.  We’ve come to appreciate it.

Azalea blooms first

Azalea blooms first

Today the cherry trees are in blossom.  I have no pictures to show you on this damp and dreary day.  Maybe the sun will come out tomorrow.

Basket Basking

Today, the first of May, our friend, Vanilla, re-posted an article on May baskets.  Read it here.

This morning, we awoke to the sound of a vehicle on the driveway.  Then we heard a [child’s?] voice saying something.  Sylvia went to see what was happening, but the driveway was empty.  Well, almost empty.  There was a basket sitting in front of our door.

A surprise May Basket!

A surprise May Basket!

It is an understatement to say that we were deeply moved by this lovely display of affection.  Smiley face wrap held some cookies with a note attached.

A beautiful sentiment!

A beautiful sentiment!

The note reads: “May your days be as beautiful as the buds of May. ~ Happy May Day!”

Heartfelt thanks to our visitor[s].  You made our day brighter and better.

In further celebration, a second tulip had opened this morning and a third may open before the day ends.  Yes it’s a beautiful day!  Here’s hoping yours is even better.

The Wait Rewarded

Every day, I’ve been watching for the tulip buds to open.  Today, the first one did.

More color in the flower bed

More color in the flower bed

Isn’t that a nice contrast of hues?

Looking into the matter

Looking into the matter

The other tulips should open soon.  What a beautiful day!


Yesterday (Tues 4/27), I took the snow blade and front end loader off the tractor.  I then hooked up the tiller and tilled the garden.  Now, the tiller is off and the freshly lubed mower deck is in place and ready to go when I am ready to go.

On the way to the barn, something caught my eye.  It was a bird’s nest in my short tower at the back corner of the garage.

Can you see the nest on the cables?

Can you see the nest on the cables?

Mama and Papa were not around so I went in for a closer look.  This is what I saw:

Three eggs.  Will they hatch?

Three eggs. Will they hatch?

My first thought on seeing the eggs was, “Robin.”  They are not.  These are too large for robin eggs.  The nest construction is familiar.  It looks like a mourning dove’s nest.  What about the blue eggs?  Dove’s eggs are usually off-white to light tan, aren’t they?  A quick search revealed that doves occasionally lay blue eggs.  I don’t know why.

Sylvia Update

This morning, four weeks after the accident, Sylvia had X-rays taken of her broken wrist.  The technician was concerned that she could see no sign of the fracture.  The technician sent the image to a senior colleague in the city.  He too could see no sign of the fracture.  He also said that it was a good image and no need to try again.

That’s good news, isn’t it?  Two more weeks and then the splint comes off.  Sylvia can hardly wait.

Another Variation

We’ve been enjoying the daffodils this spring.  We know that winter is done when we see that bright splash of color.  The blossoms last longer than crocus or hyacinth.

I’ve recently posted pictures of the three main variations that we have in our flower beds.  Most of our daffodils are all dark yellow (petals and cup).  Those come in standard size and miniature sizes.  We also have them with white petals and yellow cup.  Another features white petals with a yellow cup and red (or orange) rim.

This year I’m seeing some with lighter yellow petals and dark yellow cup.


The blossom in the foreground is all dark yellow.  Notice the lighter petals on the flowers in the background.  (Everyday I watch that tulip bud in hope of seeing it open.)


The eye shows the contrast between the yellows better than the camera does.

Further [Flower] Developments

I enjoy watching our flowers come into blossom.  It seems there is always something in bloom.  There is beauty in everyday, and not just in the flower beds and out on the lawn and in the fields.  If you look you will find it.

Miniature Daffodils

Miniature Daffodils

At first glance, these look like the full-size version.  However they are only about 1.5 inches across.  That compares with the 4-inch daffodils, and makes these only one seventh the size (area).  I am fond of these little fellows.

This one was shy

This one was shy

All blossoms of this variety wanted to look at the ground.  I had to shoot up to get capture this image.  The orange gives a nice frilly touch.

Only a few of this type

Only a few of this type

White and yellow daffodil (no orange) is the least numerous of the many daffodils in our flower beds.  These seem to have a pleasant two-tone simplicity that I find appealing.

It won’t be long before we see tulips in blossom.  The buds are getting bigger each day.

Out in the Garden

Today, an inspection of the garden revealed weeds.  What did I expect?  More than weeds were peeking through the soil.

Giant garlic

Giant garlic

We’ve nearly used of all last year’s harvest of giant garlic.  This is just one of the plants that grows in that section.

I see pie in my future.

I see pie in my future.

The rhubarb was first to appear–just as you would expect.  Some folks call it “pie plant” and that’s a good name.  Rhubarb pie is my favorite.  It also works well with apples in a pie.  There are a lot of other ways to enjoy rhubarb.  I used to enjoy chewing on the raw stalks, but not everyone likes it that way.  Mix rhubarb with raspberries for making a very tasty jam.  (We run the berries through a juicer to remove the seeds.)

Giving Thanks

And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Eph 5:20)

And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Eph 5:20)

At prayer meeting last night, our pastor read a letter from a missionary family in Haiti that we help support.  Toward the end of the letter, they had a list of items that they were thankful for.  We understood the handshakes and hugs from Haitian believers and the smiles on faces of children.  We laughed at “working visitors who are out of breath as they walk up the mountain.”  Most of us could relate to the rich odor of newly turned soil.  (The husband is an agriculturalist, who is developing and introducing new food crops and improved strains of others.)

That listed ended with, “The sound of voodoo drums.”  Several gasps could be heard around the assembled group.  Why would they be thankful for that?

Those were not the final words of the letter.  Indeed, they were not the final words of the sentence.  The sentence continued, “because they remind us to pray.”

It was over forty years ago that Sylvia and I learned of the power in giving thanks.  Three weeks ago, when she fell and broke her wrist she had began a list of “I’m thankful for this because.”

The list has obvious items, such as it was not her dominant hand.  In the ER she discovered that the bone density med that she was taking is not good.  We had just learned that a young lady was unemployed.  She is now coming here a couple of times a week to help with cleaning and cooking.  The list is now very long.

Do you practice giving thanks for every thing?