More Signs of Spring

The following pix are a week old.  I meant to post them earlier this week, but life intervened.


Lots of daffodils and more opening each day.


I love the friendly blossoms on the ground cover.  We call it myrtle, but you may know it as vinca or periwinkle.

Meanwhile out in the garden . . .


Rhubarb is greeting the spring.  These leaves have been touched with frost.  (Remember this is from last week.)


What a happy sight to see the first shoot of giant garlic breaking through.  It is a promise of another good year.


Then we come to the end of another beautiful day.  Time for a good night’s sleep.

Looks Like Spring Has Sprung

Saturday, I went on an inspection tour.  This is the first thing I saw.


We used to have several crocuses, or are they croci?  The beautiful colors makes this one my favorite.  It is also the last one that remains.

Snowdrops are still in blossom, but will very soon be gone.


Our snowdrops appeared as if by magic a few years ago.  The good news is that they continue to thrive and multiply.

Very near the crocus and the snowdrops, I saw these beauties in the yard.  I really enjoy their happy appearance.


My guess is that you are also enjoying spring at your house.  I certainly hope so.

Two Windows on the Storm

Just when it seemed that winter had ended, wintry weather returned over the weekend.  Saturday, inspection revealed a low oil level in our generator.  I made it to the auto parts store with eight minutes to spare before their closing time, returned home and filled the engine to the proper level.  That felt good to be ready . . . just in case.

Heavy winds had been blowing for some time when the rain began.  All night Saturday, I could hear the howling wind and the rain beating on the house.

Sunday, I rose to look out upon the world.  This scene greeted me.


That view is through a north-facing window, not a shower door.  Church meetings had been cancelled.  It was a great day to sit inside and read.

A bit later I looked out again.  This time through a west-facing window.  This poor fellow did not appear to be enjoying the weather.


Overnight temps held about freezing.  Monday saw them rise slightly.  The trees are slowly dropping their loads of ice.

Despite all that harsh weather, I can see Sylvia’s miniature daffodils in bloom.  I’ll try to get pix later, but other duties beckon to me.

A week from today, the forecast is for a sunny day with a high of 62 F.  Now that’s more like it!