I meant to post pix of the flower garden last week. I’m late. But not as in the late . . . You know what I mean.

The contrast between the peony and the lily caught my eye, salvia completed the scene
Returning to the back door, this beautiful rose caught my eye.

Life overflows from the rose. Once again salvia completes the scene
A Beautiful Evening
Tuesday the weather was perfect so I opened windows and enjoyed the fresh air. In the evening, our small group met at our house. After they left, I took my glass of ice water out on the back deck. Sylvia soon joined me, bringing some strawberry-rhubarb crisp.
As we sat together, an oriole began to sing from a small maple tree. We delighted in his song and watching him dance around that tree. (We think there was a female hiding in the tree and he was trying to win her favor.) Sorry, no pix. The light was failing. Shortly after the oriole left for other parts, we saw the doe crossing the low land. With her was her tiny fawn. It was fun watching the wee one jump, run and cavort while mom made her way to the shelter of tall grass. Soon they disappeared. Shortly after, we went into the house and got ready for bed.
The next morning, I awoke and was barely able to breathe. Allergies had me completely plugged. The sinus headache lasted until 3 PM. I kept the window closed and set the furnace/AC fan to run full time. That helped clean the air so I’m okay today.
Would I do it again? Probably so.