There has been much to report since my last blog post. Today, I’d like to share three items with you.
Fall has fallen. One sure sign is seedum in blossom.

We keep milkweed around just for these regal folk. I took two step to my left to get different light on this beauty.

It was some time later that our tree guy came to give us an estimate on removing a couple of dead trees and trimming others. As we walked across the lawn, I saw one . . two . . . three puffballs.

As puffballs go, they were not very big. They were, however, tasty. Found two more in the days that followed. Sylvia pickled some, which we have not yet sampled. But soon.
The third item has no supporting pic. Sorry. You’ll have to take me at my word on this one.
It was Friday and a friend was dropping by to pick up a couple of things from me. As I looked toward the road, I saw a pair of turkeys. Then three and eventually four. As the friend’s vehicle neared, the turkeys were sent scurrying across the lawn.
After the friend left, I went to the far end of the house and saw the four big birds sauntering across the lawn. I walked swiftly to the office, retrieved my camera and returned. Too late. Those turkeys had left no trace when they exited the lawn.
I felt bad that I missed capturing an image, but I also felt good that I had seen them.