Orion hunts the winter sky
Hunter stalks the sky
The icy winds chill my bones
My heart longs for spring
On days like this, I remember how nice it was to live in a land where palm trees grow. Nevertheless, I am content to be here safe in the midst of the storm.
Beautiful picture. Nice poem.
I enjoy that picture a lot. I can see that the glory of the stars is not the same. Some are brighter and the colors cover the red to near-violet spectrum. Also, there are nebulae visible.
Ps 8:4 & Heb 2:6
Jesus is coming back soon! The weather will get worse and worse before He comes again.
And afterward it will be perfect. In the words of John, “Even so come Lord Jesus.”
I like the seasons. Yes, I wish it were warmer today…but it was yesterday and there is the promise of more coming.
I liked the two seasons of the Ecuadorian Andes. Dry season and rainy season. Patience will bring us the warmth.
This second snow storm came up so fast, and I said to myself…Oh No
This snow storm really helps me appreciate my home that’s getting a little bit too old and needs new windows and a few other things. It makes me think of those who don’t have a place to wait out the storm. All I can do is utter a silent prayer for them.
The weather has been in a strange pattern lately. Heavy snow followed by warmth. Yes, do say those prayers.
“Under His wings, under His wings,
Who from His love can sever?
Under His wings my soul shall abide,
Safely abide forever. :clap:
One of my favorite hymns.