Wednesday morning, I sat at the computer visiting my favorite blogs and sipping on a cup of Guatemalan coffee. From time to time a popup window would inform me of another link placed on my Wordless Wednesday post. I picked up my coffee mug. Empty. 🙁
Empty cup in hand, I started for the kitchen for a refill. I almost made it.
That’s when I saw her standing on the front lawn. I watched for a bit and then returned to the office for the camera. She had been nibbling the nice green grass. As I snapped a pic, something else had her attention.
We’ve seen several from this group at times over the last few weeks. This was mid-morning and that was the middle of our expansive lawn. (Yes, it takes a lot of work to mow all that.) She had seen enough. She turned.
She didn’t raise her tail to warn others. It was a slow jog. Not in fear. Merely cautious.
Still at a jog she passed the garden, rounded the birch tree as she made her way to the bottom edge of the lawn. Then with a bound. She made into the tall grass, brush and trees. Gone.
As I thought about the scene that I had just witnessed, the garage door opener activated. Sylvia had returned home.
Sylvia came into the house and told me about the deer on the front lawn. (She had watched it as she drove up the driveway.) I showed Sylvia the pictures I had captured. Our conversation then turned to other matters.
ur so lucky to get to witness this
princess vadar
My spouse said what Rebecca said. The deer was probably scoping out the garden.
My cousin needs to eat too!
I see you have a fresh new garden. The monster was probably surveying your plot, looking for a way to case the joint. :-p