Sunday ~ Proberbs

Proverbs 6:15-19

Here are six things God hates,
and one more that he loathes with a passion:
eyes that are arrogant,
a tongue that lies,
hands that murder the innocent,
a heart that hatches evil plots,
feet that race down a wicked track,
a mouth that lies under oath,
a troublemaker in the family.

(The Message)

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

4 thoughts on “Sunday ~ Proberbs

  1. I like those. I think we are missing mean-spirited folks and gossipy mouths. It's not just troublemakers in the family, but everywhere. I'll tell God the next time I'm talking to him.

  2. Interesting how contemporary that is… hate the sin, love the sinner. Yes, things that are wrong, are just wrong.

  3. Hmmmm… this was very interesting. "hands that murder the innocent." what about hands that murder the non-innocent?

    Justine 😮 )

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