I slipped up and failed to mention here on Secondary Rds that yesterday was Nellie’s Gotcha Day! It was a year ago yesterday that we brought her home from the shelter.
She has gained so much in comfort and confidence in being here with us. I’m convinced that she had been abused in the past. I can still see the evidence in some of her behaviors.
A lot has happened in our lives over this past year. One of the better parts of the period was bringing Nellie home to live with us.
Aw…Happy Gotcha Day to you all!
It’s very hard to see behaviors that reek of abuse. We had a cat like that as well and it just made us lover her all the more. On a trip to the emergency vet for something (can’t remember what it was), they took x-rays and found her little body riddled with bb’s. Poor, poor thing. We were happy that we had changed her life forever by letting her live with us. I’m sure Nellie is the same way…and grateful.
If it is any consolation, neither of my kitties are lap kitties. Heck, they won’t even share the couch with me. :rolleyes:
Thanks, Lin ❗ And thanks for introducing us to the Gotcha Day concept. Sylvia and I learned that from you. :tiphat:
Sorry about your bb toting feline companion. So glad you rescued her from her very bad situation. :hkitty:
I think Sylvia sometimes wishes Nellie didn’t like her lap so much. :rolleyes: But they do get on very well. I’m just glad we’re giving the kind of home a cat should have. :angel:
Do you have an issue with Nellie ripping things apart? Please read
http://murrbrewster.blogspot.com/2014/02/red-in-claw.html?showComment=1391870311220#c7027226640738651232 :haha:
Not to worry. :nono: Nellie only uses the scratching posts to love on with her claws. We tried those gizmos on Midnight, but they didn’t last a week. Murr is very funny, ya godda love her style. :hkitty:
It’s wonderful to know you were instrumental in making a life much better, isn’t it? Hurrah for you, and hurrah for Sylvia, and hurrah for Nellie too! :yea:
I very much enjoy knowing that her life is much better for having come to be with us. :hkitty:
Hooray for Nellie’s increasingly cheerful presence.
We are seeing regular changes for the better. It still doesn’t appear that she will be one to sit on my lap, but she does happily and readily leap onto the couch beside me to enjoy some time together. :awe:
Pets are some of God’s greatest blessings.
Indeed they are. :angel: