No doubt about it. Midnight loves catnip. It is his favorite treat. There is a large group of catnip plants growing beside our back door. The lucky kitty has staff (Sylvia and me) who will bring him a few leaves of this delectable herb. The other day, I entered the kitchen area where Sylvia was at work with Midnight’s “help.” In one hand, I held some catnip. In the other, the camera for Sylvia to capture some images of our guy as he attacked the catnip. Here is the story as told by Midnight himself:
My male staff brought me some catnip. He let me see and sniff it and then he stood up and held it at nearly waist level. Fortunately I’m a big boy so I can stretch up that high. First step is to inspect the catnip. I sniff it with my sensitive nose. Examine it with my eyes. Make sure it is top quality–or that it at least meets my minimal standards.
Next, I warn off anyone or any thing in the vicinity. All need to understand that I will viciously attack any who get between me and my catnip. It is mine. ALL MINE! So leave me alone!
I really do love catnip! Why don’t hoomins eat this wonderful tasty herb? It should add zing to those silly salads they seem to love so much. Don’t you agree? And why do they eat yucky onions with their greens? I don’t understand that at all.
After reading Midnight’s words, I think I understand why he always wants to sniff my hands when I come in from outside. Wouldn’t I be naughty if I ate some catnip out there and didn’t bring any in for him?
Mexico Update
Yesterday, Briana reported:
I have been talking and communicating in Spanish very easily the past day or so since Claudia moved into the dorm with me. I got a big headache from all the Spanish but I’m already starting to think in Spanish . . . Thanks for the prayers!
My goofball cats did just what Hobbes did…they rolled on their catnip plant so much that they killed it. They still sniff around the area and look at me as if to say, "Well? Aren't you gonna plant some more??!" LOL
Livvy is like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde with catnip. She's always a sweet, loving, affectionate cat. But give her catnip and she's a cranky maniac. No catnip for her!
Nice shots of Midnight. So he doesn't go outside… does he beg to go? Livvy begs all day long, moaning and groaning!
Have a good day trip. 🙂
I think you can make tea from catnip or catmint. I've heard of people doing that. I vote that you try it, Chuck. 🙂
It's funny you posted this because I took a series of photos with Grace eating her catnip. I should post them.
Hobbes smooshed an entire catnip plant. He loved it so much, he'd roll on it until it is gone. Dead. Smooshed.
Kudos to the camera staff. Those are great pictures. That kitty is FOCUSED.
Very cute cat! 😀 I love that last picture, too. He's a vegetarian! 🙂