Attention Deficit . . . Hey Look A Squirrel
It started this morning. I come into the office with coffee in hand. I sit down at the computer, and after checking e-mails, I begin my Web-surfing routine. First I visit my favorite comic strips. At least I can start the day in a good mood.
Next, I visit my favorite blogs. I come to Shark’s MQD blog and decide to leave a comment, but first I have to check a detail for inclusion in that comment. I’ll have to do a search. I should open a new tab to do that, but I already have more than a dozen tabs open on my browser. Oh, I’ll just quick check my granddaughter’s FaceBook page and then I’ll do my search. It won’t take a minute.
I have to click “like” on one post and leave a comment on another and . . . Oh look it’s her Mom’s birthday. Surf over to Barbara’s page. Post a birthday sentiment. Then go to my page and post another birthday wish there. Won’t take long at all.
I go back to the tab with Briana’s FB page and remember that I’m going to . . . oh yes. I have to search for . . . what? Ah yes, it’s for Shark.
I go back to her blog’s tab. I had a real clever idea for a comment. Yes, the operative word is “had.” What do I need to check first? What was the comment?
I remember what it was I forgot to tell Sylvia yesterday. I get up and go find her and pass on the info that I should have given her yesterday.
Nellie (our cat) speaks to me as I pass, so I spend five or ten minutes petting and talking to her. We’ve connected quite well in the past few weeks.
Did I tell you she slipped of the hassock and landed on me. It left a big scratch across my foot. It looks nasty and red. Antiseptic cream helps.
Oh. Excuse me. Where was I? Oh yes, I’m petting the cat. I finish that and go back to the office.
The browser is still open to Shark’s blog. I had a clever comment for that.
What will I have for lunch? Speaking of that, I’m thirsty. I take a big gulp of wonderfully refreshing Guatemalan coffee. Ahhh.
Oh yes, comment. I read the post again. What clever reaction could I have had to that? Hmm, beats me. I write, “Looks like everybody had a good time.”
I agree, that’s not even a little bit clever. (Some days a a guy just has to “fake it.”)
On to the next blog, etc.
Pretty cute. I like it when you are clever, but it’s not required. I like it most just when you come by.
And that makes you the perfect friend, Shark. Thank you so much. Your visits and comments light up my life. 😎
I was going to write a funny comment about this describing my web viewing too, but I got distracted and forgot what that comment was.
And multiple tabs? I’d be lost without them!! I’m so glad to read I’m not the only one. :frolic:
Hi, Cindi. With you, Vanilla and Rosey both reporting your experiences, I’d say it is part of our human condition. Whatever that means. :think:
I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who does such things, AND even more importantly I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who runs a bunch of tabs at once. Hubby thinks I’m unique in that area. 😉
Glad to hear Nellie’s so happy. :cloud9:
I suspect the differences in the
exploitationuse of tabs is an indications of the way our minds work. You have a lot of company in that.You look like a computer.
A computer can generate a comment.
A computer can generate a birthday greeting.
I am a computer too.
“A good to you.”
Just the 10 of us, and we’re both computers. :rolleyes:
(You must think like a computer to understand that.)
You might well have been painting a word picture of the inside of my head, though names and places may differ. And the mileage may vary.
There is not a day that goes by but what I think of something I want to look up, finish the paragraph I’m reading, and have absolutely no idea what the great idea was that I had seconds before?????? :surrender:
I do believe that our name is “Legion,” for we are many. :beam:
This started my day with a smile.
I’m pleased that you found a smile there. I had a bit of laugh at the silly old man that I’ve become. :laff: