And I’m not talking about $$ — the folding green currency you carry in your wallet. These are real cabbages that Sylvia grew in our garden.

Sylvia shows off her garden treasures in the church kitchen
No trick photography here. Those three heads weigh in at about 32 pounds. One is twelve pounds and ten each for the other two. Yes, they are quite tasty. :food:
We grew potatoes this year. A double handful of seed potatoes yielded a harvest in excess of 90 pounds of spuds. Yesterday, I posted pics of three of the odd shaped ones, but most were normal looking taters.
Our pepper harvest has also been phenomenal–both green bell and jalapeño. The same is true for cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans and egg plants.

One day’s harvest of egg plants
Hats off to neighbor Meghan who supplied the compost that fed our plants this year.
Those are some beauts you’ve got posted today (the cabbage, the eggplant, and most importantly, the wife!). 🙂
Congrats on the big harvest.
Thanks. Wifey outshines all! :awe:
Holy COW! That is incredible!! You are some great farmers!!
The secret is in the compost. You could do it too. :beam:
Awesome! But, yes, that IS a lot of cabbage. Be sure to tell us how it all ends up.
Those three heads went into coleslaw, which was served at the church’s annual hog roast on Saturday. :food: About half was creamy the other half featured vinegar. They served 260 people–the best attendance we’ve had in a long time.
A wonderful bounty; reward for much effort. Nice going!
Sylvia planted. Chuck watered. But God gave the increase. :angel:
Amazing! Maybe we will see you tomorrow afternoon. We will have The Prodigal in tow.
Great! We hope to see you. It will be good to see your daughter too.