Unrelated to story, but impressive bird
My good friend, Vanilla, has declared this bird week. I’m glad to see that, because it gives me a reason to relate a teeny-tiny tale.
There was a dead critter behind our barn earlier this week. I know that, because I could see the vultures circling and descending. That means only one thing — dead meat.
As I glanced out the window toward the barn, a turkey buzzard sailed right over my head as he glided toward the barn and beyond. Sitting on his left wing was a small bird, who seemed to be going along for the ride.
With one long stretch I could have reached the camera. What use? I would have only missed that transient vision. Vanilla was able to capture an image of his big yellow bird. I knew I’d not get such a shot. So I just enjoyed the view.
I guess life is like that. Some times it’s better to just enjoy it and not worry about documenting and archiving it. Or am I wrong?
You are right. Better to see it and record the memory than try to get the camera in place and not see it at all.
I like the way you said it, Sharkey. Thanks. :tiphat:
I’ve often noticed smaller birds chasing after turkey vultures. I’ve always wondered why, but I’ve never bothered to find out.
The smaller birds are protecting nest, home and youngsters.
So funny that you wrote this as I just said the same thing yesterday.
I was getting a price on having our camcorder videos transferred to DVDs when the lady asked me how many I had–there is a quantity discount in play. I explained to here that I don’t have many–we chose to bear witness to the events rather than experiencing my kids’ lives through the lens. I don’t regret that for one minute. I think far too many people miss out on events by trying to capture them for another day. What’s the point then?
I suppose that people who “live behind the lens” can always relive the moment by viewing their videos or stills. They will miss everything that the lens failed to capture. :rolleyes:
Nope, you’re not wrong. I have to remind myself of that though, when we’re out, every since I started my blog. I don’t to miss the event or whatever it is we’re doing because I’m trying to get pictures for a post!
Thanks, Rosey. :tiphat: I can relate to what you say. When I see something interesting, one of the first thoughts to flit through my mind is, “This would make an interesting blog post.” :beam:
Oh, you are not wrong. It is a rare event when episode, availabilty of camera, and quickness of wit and nimbleness of finger all coincide. “Just enjoy the moment” is a good mantra. And don’t spend time and tears regretting a lost “shot.”\ Thanks for the reference.
Well said, my friend. :clap: Glad to provide a link to your blog. :tiphat: