It was five years ago today that I started this blog. What started as a means of regular communications with family has become a way to be in touch with a much larger family of friends and regular visitors.
This past year has brought major changes to this household. Sylvia’s father, now 95, is no longer able to drive and needs a little help from time to time. Sylvia spends one week in four with him. Siblings take care of the other three. One sister lives in Florida, and Dad escapes Michigan winter to be with her family for two or three months.
I’ve had health issues, but am doing very well at this point. I’m almost back to “normal,” whatever that means. (I suspect it is a fictional concept. :uh: )
2013 was the Year of Nellie. She came to be with us in early February. Nellie was supposed to be my cat, but she had different plans. She used to cower and run away whenever I came near. Now she seeks me out for a little lovin’. But that doesn’t mean lap time. On the rare occasions that she does end up on my lap, the “dwell time” is measured in seconds. Oh well . . . :rolleyes: Speaking of Nellie . . .
Birthday Girl
I thought this had been posted on Monday, December 23. Then I discovered that it hadn’t. Sorry about that.

Nellie wishes you Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Nellie had her 7th birthday on Sunday. Sorry we are a day late in announcing this.
Thanks to the ice storm we were without commercial power. The emergency generator was keeping us in operation. That is it was until Sunday PM when I ran out of propane–as in zero percent left in the tank. Today, our propane supplier delivered 400 gallons, for which they left a large bill.
But we’re back in business, the house is warm. Best of all Sylvia has returned home after a week with her dad. :awe: Nellie says she is super happy to have our lady back home where she belongs. I too am glad to have her back with us. What a weird year . . . :beam:
Well, that’s a bummer, to run out of propane even when you have the generator. Don’t you have an agreement with the company for autofill? Anyway… glad you became a blogger and we met.
Weird is not so bad if everyone’s happy, healthy, and home. 🙂
It’s nice how everyone in your family is pulling together to help.
Here’s to a great 2014, and a happy birthday to your Nellie. 🙂
Happy Five Year Bloggaversary! :yea:
Thanks Rosey.
Weird can be wonderful. :laff:
I know! I have kids!! Kidding. :laff:
Yea! There is gas in the tank, the lady of the house is home, and the cat is happy again. Everything is back to normal, whatever that fictional concept may be. Stay warm. :hkitty:
I’m going to do my best to stay warm–really I am ❗
I’ll have to have another propane delivery very soon. After the recent fill, I ran the generator for 6 days, which ate a lot of fuel. :surrender: But it’s better than going without.
Yea! There is gas in the tank, the lady of the house is home, and the cat is happy again. Everything is back to normal, whatever that fictional concept may be. Stay warm. :dontknow:
Happy Birthday, Nellie!! And Chuck’s blog! 🙂
Some kitties are just not lap kitties. My two are not. Grace won’t sit on me for anything…and Hobbes…well…we are thankful that he is not much of a lap kitty either as he is VERY heavy. (Currently on a diet, but don’t tell him)
I guess like our friends, we just have to accept them for who they are. Heck, they do the same for me. 🙂 Thank goodness.
Glad you are warm again. We are currently getting some ridiculous amount of snow and I didn’t go in to work today. It’s nice, but I’m getting a little cabin fever.
Here’s to a great 2014–more blog posts and good news on the health front for you, Chuck!
Thanks Lin. We’ve got about an inch and a half of snow on the ground with a bit of drifting. I’d consider scraping the driveway, but it’s only 11 F out there, and that’s too cold for me. :surrender:
I don’t mind that Nellie is not my lap cat. Midnight used to be a bit of nuisance in that regard. :hkitty: The other side of that coin is that I’d stop what I was doing for him and that was a stress reliever.
Best wishes to the Kautz family from all of us here @ Secondary Rds. :frolic: :frolic: