This past week has been very busy. I had intended to put up a few more posts, but life got in the way.
Sylvia returned last evening after ten days with her father. We (Sylvia, Nellie and I) were all glad to have her home once more. Before she left, we had wrapped up this project.

The back side of the entry way
This was the final step in beautifying the garage and entry way (formerly called mudroom) and erecting barriers for burrowing critters.
This morning, Sylvia worked in the garden, cleaning up hail damage. My project was to dispose of carpeting from the basement. Mission accomplished.
Did you hear about the tragic fatality this weekend. Here is the video.
I will skip the video, because we are trying to keep our data usage down, but I can guess… Glad you got that mess cleaned up, but sorry about it all. I’m mourning your mud room. What on earth will that small room be used for now?
The video purports to be a news report concerning to guys in those “wind suits” that turns a human into a glider. One of them even zooms past the famous Christ the Redeemer statue and as it passes, the statues hands “clap” together thus bringing an end to the tale. :whaa:
The space formerly called “the mud room” will still be used as the mud room. It’s just that I now have to call it “the entry way.” It does look a whole lot better. 🙂
Oh my gosh, I jumped, ahhahahaa
Glad the Mrs. is home. And hurrah for finished projects. :tiphat:
It does tend to “smack” you, doesn’t it? Thanks.
I actually jumped at the end of the video. Wasn’t expecting that!
It surprised me too. I hope you didn’t find it too upsetting. It was meant to be funny, but it is a strange kind of humor. :rolleyes:
I thought it was hilarious! Started my day with laughing.
Good. That was my goal. :whaa:
That made me laugh. 🙂
Glad you finished all that work. I’m sure disposing of the wet carpeting was NOT fun. Sounds heavy.
The video made me laugh too. :rofl:
With the help of three other men and the tractor’s front-end loader, I had left the carpet pieces hanging over the front deck railing. Yesterday the carpet was dry and I was able to deal with it alone with help only from the front-end loader.
My, Chuck, how nice your work does look. Bet you feel satisfied with it. Glad to hear that the old carpeting is gone. Hope things are back to normal for you, Sylvia and Nellie.
You’ll have to give Sylvia the credit for that, Bonnie. We are very happy with it. Back to normal will take some time. We spent the afternoon in the basement doing cleanup. :stars: :surrender: :beam: