Disclaimer: In a private e-mail I told Lin that I intended to write this review of her blog: Duck and Wheel with String. She responded, “Don’t go all sappy or anything.” Then she made me vow that I wouldn’t go at all sappy. I caved in, because you really have to [read that “must”] know about this blog.

Lin is happily married to Joe. They have two children; Colin and Emma, who refused to be photographed for this blog posting. They were shouting something about never being able to go back to school and face their friends . . . Fair enough. This is really about the blogger that we know as Lin.
She describes herself as, “Almost always funny, some times opinionated, [I get a bit confused here] but never controversial, passionate or thoughtful. [?] I am a stew pot of adjectives and you’ll never know what you’ll get when you stop here. Good, bad, or indifferent–it is all spunky lil ole me.” At least that’s the way I seem to remember the way she said it. I seem to have lost my notes.

In their Chicago home, which is located next to a frog pond, live their two feline friends as well as the human staff. Grace Ann ran off with the human children. Hobbes had to show off for the crew from Secondary Roads. Turns out that Hobbes is a wannabe mountain lion. Okay, he’s still working on the roar, but he’s making good progress with the rest. The alternate theory is that he went out on a limb to get a bird on the suet feeder, but when the bird flew Hobbes had to treat it with disdain. I believe he wants to be a mountain lion.

All of this is overseen by Violet. Violet was the custom creation of a famous sculptor who must remain unnamed lest the Immigration Service should pay a visit.
A word of warning is in order here. Don’t ever call Violet an “ugly little statue.” Never do it. I did. Once. Later in the emergency room, the doctor said, “The good news is that we’ve stopped the bleeding. The bad news is that the scars are forever.” Now everybody say it with me, “Violet is beautiful and I LOVE her!”

In a recent posting, Lin wrote about the talent show put on by their Neighborhood Improvement Association.” She dressed in traditional Lithuanian peasant costume and performed the well-known Lithuanian rain dance. Lin was one of the early acts on the program. Unfortunately, the rest of the program was canceled because of heavy rains and thunderstorms that suddenly appeared out of what had been clear skies.

Meanwhile, back at the pond, the frogs laughed until they croaked.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! You can’t make me tell you the truth. Remember, I took a vow not to get all sappy. Boy was I dumb!
Bottom line: Visit Lin at Duck and Wheel with String and tell her that Chuck sent you. You’ll be glad you did. She’s really funny, witty, charming, creative and she writes a great blog. Don’t forget she’s from Chicago and knows some people who might come and pay you a visit. Better go there today.
I just hope I didn’t get all sappy. 🙂