This past week, I’ve been thinking about my father. It would be so good to sit down and chat with him over a cup of coffee. I think we’d both like that. I also have a lot of questions I would like to ask.

LeRoy E Hutchinson — 1919 – 1990
Dad grew up during hard times. One year, during the great depression, all his family had to eat was what they grew–a field of rutabagas. There were other hardships, but that might have been the worst. He worked hard, very hard, to make sure his family never had to go through that same experience. Extra jobs in evenings and on weekends helped supplement the family income.
And yet he did volunteer work for people in need. Particularly for widows without families to care for them.
After Dad had passed my sisters and I were sharing the things that he done with us. Turns out he did different things for all four of us. Each of us experienced his love in following our individual interests. He did, however, encourage a love of weather observation in all his children.
Today, I give thanks for my father and the fine man that he was.