Water Polo
Unfinished business comes first, and I have some more on Wednesday evening’s action. The Falcons took on the Portage Central Mustangs and won handily. I promised some pictures of the action and chose the following.

Just before launch in the shooting sequence, the shooter treads water to lift her body up, The ball is lifted from the water with the shooting arm fully extended. She ignores the defense player pulling down on the opposite shoulder.
Let’s look at what else is happening. It is just Briana against the goalie while number 11 tries to drown her. Who will win this contest?
Briana wins as the ball rockets into the upper left corner of the net. Wasn’t that fun? It keeps me coming back for more.
Also on Wednesday, the US Navy announced that they are looking for water polo players to join their ranks. These athletes have the best chance of completing the training, which has a 70% wash-out rate. Read more
here. FWIW, I don’t think Briana will be changing her plans to enter nursing school.
Dentist Chair
I’m late posting today. Yesterday, I spent most of the morning in the “chair.” My dentist filled a cavity. That was the easy part. The tooth beside it had to be prepared for a crown.
That’s lots of fun. They make a mold of the existing tooth. Then the dentist removes the outer part of the tooth above the gum line. This is delicate work and takes time. The upper tooth is reduced to a peg. A mold is made of this peg. Everyone takes a break while the tech makes a temporary crown.
The tech then fits the temporary crown in place. During that process, she removes sharp corners and adjusts the “bite.” It sounds easy but it takes much longer that you might expect.
I was a bit unhappy that my favorite tech wasn’t there yesterday. Jan is also a neighbor. Her mother was the first owner of the house that we live in. However what matters is that she does excellent work. Enough said.
Now I wait for three weeks for the permanent crown. More gold going into my mouth. You can take that two ways. 🙂
I arrived home just after noon. I spent some time visiting friends’ blogs and then went out to do some work. After a break for supper, I went back out and ran the roller over the lawn. I finished just before the sun went down. I was too tired at that point to prepare todays’ post.