Awards ~ Received, Acknowledged and Sent On

With sincere thanks, Secondary Roads accepts these awards. The first two are from Shinade (aka Jackie).

J’Adore tien Blog: Wow! Jackie, you know that the feeling is mutual. Your blog is attractive and you richly deserve this.

I’ll like to share it with:


You Cheer Me Up: Again Jackie, I always feel better after visiting your blog.

This award is being sent on to:
Da Old Man (aka Crotchety)
Humor Smith

Most Inspirational Blog
comes from Vanilla. What an amazing guy he is. On his blog, you will find history, family anecdotes, local color and excerpts from Sunday’s sermon at his church. Well worth the visit.

Here are some folks that I look to for inspiration, and so this award goes to:
Rita T

Stop by and visit them. You’ll be glad that you did.

Prayer Requested

This is the guy.

This is the request.

At 9 AM this morning (Friday), our friend, Crotchety, goes under the surgeon’s knife. Phase one. He’s also scheduled for surgery next Tuesday. If you will, take some time and pray for Joe (his real-world name). Say a prayer for him each time you think of him in the days ahead. Visit his blog and leave a comment saying that you are praying for him. He will appreciate it.

FishHawk sent me an e-mail last evening, and I stopped working on a problem for a commercial customer to call Joe. I dialed his number (it’s on his blog) and he picked right up. Crotchety didn’t sound crotchety. He had had dialysis earlier and that takes a lot out of a body. He is optimistic and said he really appreciates our prayers.

I was going to post some awards today. In the greater scheme of things our Crotchety friend, Joe, is so much more important. Please pray.

I Did It! – Monday ~ Youth Group Gathering

My Meme Mania is the home of I Did it! – Monday.
You are invited to participate and to register your
participation at My Meme Mania. Come, join us.

We attended the youth group meeting. It was the teen youth group from church. at least that’s what it was 50 some years ago. The church has closed its doors, having merged with a nearby congregation. However, the young folk have remained in touch. And in recent years, we’ve gotten together just so that we can enjoy being with such fine friends.

The youth group (click picture for larger view).

Sylvia’s sister and BiL, Joyce (far left) and Paul (hiding behind the camera), hosted the group at their beautiful country home. Sylvia and Karen (another sister) assisted. There were 32 of us present.

Conversation within this group is different these days. Not so much talk of schools and careers. Topics tend more toward grandchildren and medical issues. Even so, it was a wonderful time.

Awards, Awards, Thanks Star!

My special friend Star, has showered me with awards. I feel especially honored because they come from her. She is raising her daughter and an adopted son with a little help from family and friends. If you don’t know her, you should take the time to visit her blog, read several posts and get to know why she is such a special person.

The first one is the “Spread the Love” Award. Star said this about this award: “How would you spread you’re love? it is so sweet that you can feel the importance of love. Love shows in different ways unto different person that you wanted to share. The song writer said that it makes the world go around. So many of you have spread the love through supportive words and deeds. You have encouraged this old guy and made me feel good. Thanks to each of you.

Star also gave me the “Elite Blog Artist” award. Now that’s heady company. Some of you folks that come here to visit me are professionals. You have awesome skills at putting words together. You know who you are and you are the ones that should receive this award.

Adorable? That’s what Star said as she granted the “Adorable Blog” award. Perhaps it’s like beauty and exists in the eye of the beholder. Please note, she was talking about the blog, not the blog author. Several of you have adorable blogs. I love reading about your pets, Hobbes, Harry, Daisy and all the rest of your adorable fur-face friends.

Finally, Star gifted me with the “Uplifting Blogger” award. I only hope that I lift your spirits and provide a positive input to your life. Once again this reminds me of so many of you who through your faith, optimism and encouragement are uplifting those who visit you here in the blogosphere.

Once again, sincere thanks to Star. You deserve every one of these awards, and I am humbled that you chose to pass them on to me. Here is how I say “Thanks” to you:

Thanks for your kindness,
Beautiful awards for me,
May your cup o’er flow.

I have named no one, but I have left many hints. As I write this I feel a lack of wisdom to be able to make an adequate list of those who deserve to receive these awards. I know it looks like the coward’s way out, but I do need your help. Set aside your “humility,” recognize your place in my life and in the blogosphere and claim the awards that suit you. Many of you should claim all of these. To you, dear friends, I say:

Accept these tokens,
Symbols of my thoughts for you,
Given with much thanks.

Contest~ We Have a Winner

Last week Secondary Roads announced the Most Embarrassing Moment contest.

Only five brave souls came forward to share their moment of shame. Each of them is a winner and each deserves a place in a book of profiles in courage. I even shared an experience I had, but as blog author I was DQed.

The Secondary Roads Commission has met and reviewed the following entries:

1. Justine experiences a wardrobe malfunction.

2. Poetic Shutterbug goes lap diving for melon balls.

3. Star-chuu discovers her peeking underoos.

4. Vanilla stops to visit his girl friend, it becomes a three-way-date.

5. Ida is the reticent receptionist.

You can read their individual stories in the comments here.

As I said, the Commission met, voted and have asked me to announce the results. The commissioners and I extend our thanks to our five valiant participants. The commissioners were unanimous in their decision.

Yes folks, we have a winner and it is Justine (aka Tiney) for her swim-wear wardrobe malfunction.

Justine (Tiney) wins the much coveted Tommy Toe Award. I know she has been wanting one of these for months. Now she is the proud recipient of this fine award.

The Tommy Toe gets its name from what my mother used to call this wonderful fruit that makes such wonderful sandwiches with bacon and lettuce. The BLT was one of my mother’s favorites. Every year when fresh tomatoes were available in the garden, she would get together with a friend and they would make BLTs for lunch. I remember those days well, and I still consider the BLT to be one of my favorite sandwiches.

Justine doesn’t participate in Entrecard at this time. For that reason, the 1000 EC credits will be awarded to the blog of her choice.


Justine chose Poetic Shutterbug to receive the 1000 EC credits, and they have been given to her. Thanks again to all who participated in the fun.

My July Top EC Droppers ~ Thanks!

These are my top droppers for last month as reported by Entrecard. I encourage you to visit them.

Family Health Avenue
60 Were Enough
Photography by KML
sound of a soft breath
Stock Recomendations
Cinnamon Spice & Everything Nice
Computer Aid
Bulgarian Scrapbook
Symphony of Love
Rambling stuff
Learning Corner
Split Rock Ranch
Hello Kitty Gifts
PJ’s Prose
Mutual Love
The Ad Master
WillOaks Studio
Coming Back to Life
Daily life
atenean101 @ Blogspot
Mariamichelle’s Furkids and Animal Rescue
Singapore Draws

I Did It! – Monday ~ Haikus

When I saw the picture of Sharkbytes last Friday, it got me thinking about her many posts on life outdoors and her recent hike. And that put me in the mood to write a haiku, which is something I’ve been wanting to do for a couple of weeks.

Sharkbytes hits the trail.
She left her footprints,
Crossing the be-love-ed land,
Born to live outdoors.

And soon I was thinking of the winner of Secondary Roads’ contest, Blogosphere’s Got Talent I — Lin. She writes about life in Chicago. She frequently refers to her neighborhood as Weirdsville. That triggered a mind warp. Or was it my warped mind? Can’t say. Perhaps it doesn’t matter.

Lin shows her contest-winning dance style.

Talented lady,
Wife of one, mother of two,
Exiled in Weirdsville.

I’m thankful to have friends like these and friends like you. Now I’ll have to write more for you about other blogger buds. No promise on when you might expect delivery.

Saturday Song ~ New Again

Wednesday morning, my friend, Paul Decess passed away after an extended illness. His bed had been placed in the room of their small house that faces the lake on which they’ve lived. Plenty of light, fresh air and the sounds of activity on the lake he loved were there for him. He and his wife have lived in that place since his retirement some years ago.

Paul drafting plans for the Ebenezer Center.

By profession, Paul was an engineer. He drew the plans for our church’s community center and was the head trustee as we went through the building project. He had a keen mind and willing hands. So many other things he did, I cannot tell them all. He would cut onions for the annual chili dinner, because they didn’t make him cry. We who are his friends will miss him greatly. Forgive us if we cry.

My song for today is one that I almost posted on the Saturday before Easter. While our life goes on, for Paul all things are new again. He knows no more suffering, and he knows no more pain.

Whatever happens, whatever you see, He makes all things new again.

Tag Back

My friend Sharbytes has tagged me. Okay, it was a couple of weeks ago and that was about the time the dreaded Antivirus System Pro infection took my computer down.

Sharkbytes hikes the trail.

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person or persons who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random and/or revealing things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your post entry is up on your site.

So, here are six things about me. If you chose to read on, you can’t say that you weren’t warned.

1. I almost didn’t attend the birthday part where I met Sylvia. I had worked filling silo that Saturday and I was very tired. But Mel was my best friend, and I couldn’t let him down. So I went . . . it will be 52 years ago come September . . . you know the rest.

2. My first full-time job was as a TV cameraman. I also worked for IBM and Motorola fixing data processing equipment and selling two-way radio gear to county and local government units in southwest Michigan. I’ve been a broadcast engineer in TV and radio (AM, FM & shortwave) stations. The last twenty years of my full-time working career were in editing, writing and management.

3. I’ve been an Amateur Radio operator for 49 years.

4. Sylvia and I speak English and Spanish.

5. I have been a missionary (engineer) and a pastor (one year).

6. As my 40th birthday approached, I discovered I have Attention Deficit Disorder (distractibility type). It explains a lot. I’d rather listen to an audio book than read a “dead tree.”

Now I’m supposed to tag six other bloggers. (I am so looking forward to this. I can’t choose Lin, because Sharbytes already did.)

1. Clara, my sister, because after all these years I’m still discovering new things about her.

2. Mikki, Clara’s daughter, because I love to read anything this brilliant and witty English teacher writes.

3. Cacai, because she’s a special friend. It’s a delight to read her blog.

4. Star, because she is complex and has more layers than an onion she also has a heart of gold.

5. Vanilla, because the more I get to know about this guy, the more I like him. It turns out we have quite a bit in common. We’re also quite different.

6. Justine, because you never know what she’s apt to say. When you visit her blog, be prepared to be entertained.

Please don’t let us down. we want to know you better, and know your friends too.