Dark Eyed Junco

Photo from discovery.com

Juncos are regular visitors this time of year to the area under our feeders. These sparrow-sized birds are shy and unassuming. Sometimes you can see one on the feeder, but mostly they eat the stuff they find on the ground. It just seems right to have them here with their more colorful cousins.

I’ve tried to capture a good image of one or more of these friends. My luck has been running at zero. The light is never right, or the scene contrast is wrong or there are a bunch of sparrows surrounding them. As I watched them recently and thought about their place in the world, I came up with this:

Dressed in drab colors,
She eats what falls to the ground,
And draws no notice.

I think some people are like that. What do you think?

Hospital Night Sounds

When I arrived at the hospital ER last Saturday evening, I was quickly pushed in a wheel chair into a tiny room. I couldn’t see a lot of the area, but I could hear several things.

Hurried footsteps pass,
The sounds of one in distress,
Muted voices speak.

Things were very active in the ER. Folks popped in and out — each on a mission each handling it with competent confidence. From time to time, a child would cry next door.

Shortly after midnight, I was moved to a room on the third floor. After a series of interactions with hospital staff, the night settled into a pattern. 

It was quiet. No, it wasn’t — not really. There was always the low sound of moving air circulating through the duct work. The seconds were marked — each one by a clack from the clock on the wall. In the stillness of the night it seemed loud. (It wasn’t.) About every 72 seconds (yes, I timed it), the machine that regulated the flow on my IV would cycle (Ahhruuum). Those three sounds were constant with each following its own pattern.

Periodically beeps would come from a patient monitor in the adjacent room. Occasionally warning alarms would sound at the nurses station just across the hallway from my open door.

Around 2 AM I heard violent coughing from somewhere down the hall. This was followed by hurried, but quiet, footsteps. Then subdued voices speaking urgently. Nothing more heard from there.

At 2:30 AM I was tired of just laying in bed so I stood beside the bed. Then I heard that warning alarm from the nurses station. Immediately [almost] I had company. It was the nurse wanting to know if I was okay. For some reason, it was my monitor that set off the alarm.

Every couple of hours folks would come to read vital signs or to draw blood. So, even though I didn’t sleep for more than a minute or two at a time, I was not bored with all that company.

One of the staffers that visited me that night told me a story. She had two brothers. When they were children, the boys discovered that they could save a walk to the bathroom if they peed through the screen at the open window in their bedroom. Their dog must have thought it was a good idea, because he started doing it too. The mother wondered why there was a yellow streak on the side of the house. Probably more information that you needed.

About Shadows

It started as I watched the darkness dissipate in the pre-dawn light. And as the sun rose the shadow lay across the land. It did not just lay there, it moved. As the sun rose it shrank so that it always hid behind the tree. I’m sure you’ve noticed that too.

You are very weak
Cannot stand before the sun
But hide from his face.


Where there is no light,
  Darkness reigns.
Where love is absent,
  Indifference holds sway.

A Lawn Visitor

Doe a Deer

In early morning,
She came to feed on damp grass,
Then I caught her eye.

Don’t forget our friend, Crotchety, as he is scheduled for surgery today. Join me and say a prayer for him if you will.