Christmas Blues

Sylvia and I are suffering from colds. We do a lot of coughing and can find little energy to do much of anything. We are looking forward to a quiet Christmas at home. Just us and the cat.
We were able to attend the old-fashion Christmas program at church on Sunday. Sylvia was even able to sing in the choir. As you would expect, the kids stole the show. Everyone loved their final number, The Camels’ Song. It ends this way, “Poor us. Poor us. Please, next time take the bus.”
About mid-afternoon, our son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter stopped by for a nice visit. We played games, talked, laughed and exchanged gifts. It was a beautiful day.
On Monday, the colds slammed down hard on us. Not much fun. Sylvia visited her dad on Tuesday.
That brings us to today. This is Midnight’s big day he goes to meet the vet, where he will be shot and surgically altered. Sound ominous, doesn’t it?
Our little guy will go in this morning, and we’ll get him back this evening. We will continue to call him, “he” even though he’ll be non-gender specific. You can expect him to be spoiled by the time he has healed. (As if he wasn’t spoiled already.)
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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

8 thoughts on “Christmas Blues

  1. Owie. Somebody's bottom is gonna be sore!! He might be really drowsy from the anesthesia too. Poor guy. 🙁

    Hope you and Sylvia are feeling better soon. But considering what Midnight is having done, I guess you shouldn't complain too much. He isn't going to give you any sympathy!

  2. You and Fish are too funny. My wife and I are both suffering the head colds. We have to move on for Maya. I have infected Sinus's. Tis the season.

  3. It's better for him in the long run.
    I hope you feel better soon.
    Add some rum to the honey and lemon tea….heh heh

    Merry Christmas from all of the goats and a certain shipping assistant.

  4. ba hutch left this comment:

    Hmmm…"surgically altered"…can he turn Midnight into a puppy? That would be really cool!

  5. Fish, Why are you taking this personal? The choir really needs another soprano . . .

    Vanilla, Poor Kitty? Poor me after I pay the vet. 🙂 And may your Christmas be wonder filled.

  6. Well, I am certainly not going to feel sorry for you–considering what you are planning on doing to Midnight!

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