Flashback Friday is hosted by Camille. (Click on the badge to visit her blog, which is the home of Flashback Friday. Oops! I just discovered that Camille is taking a week off from blogging.) Won’t you consider joining in the fun?
Last week, I shared a photo of our granddaughter and her mother sitting on Michigan’s Sleeping Bear Sand Dune. This week I have two more images of the granddaughter from that same weekend to share.

Briana and Abuelo (Grandpa Chuck)
It was a fun weekend for us. After Sylvia captured this image, we traded baby and camera. Then it was my turn.

Briana and Abuela (Grandma Sylvia)
The pictures were taken at the family cottage on Glen Lake. This week, that’s where you’ll find Sylvia with her father and sister. Briana is getting ready to start her senior year in nursing school.
Tempus fugit.
I love that photo of you and Briana! How SWEET! Sylvia has not changed one iota in all those years!! WOW!
While I like your comment about Sylvia it is not 100% accurate. However, it is close enough for me. Oh, and “WOW” is the also the word I use when talking about her. :awe:
I’ve seen a picture of her on your blog grown (the beautiful gal in nursing school, yes?). I think it’s her, because you can see the resemblance then and now. She looks like herself, hahaha. I hope it’s her, or I’ll feel really dumb. -_- 😀
Yep, that’s the one. When I told her she was my favorite grandchild, she said, “But grandpa I’m your only grandchild.” My response? “That’s why you can be, and are, my favorite.” :awe:
I have just one grandchild too, and she’s my favorite.
I love these flashbacks. They make me think of happy times in the past in my own family.
That’s one of the main reasons that I like them too. 😀
Tempus always ever fugits in one direction only. But pictures preserve wonderful moments in time! :up:
Time flies like an arrow.
Fruit flies like a banana.