Dark Eyed Junco

Photo from discovery.com

Juncos are regular visitors this time of year to the area under our feeders. These sparrow-sized birds are shy and unassuming. Sometimes you can see one on the feeder, but mostly they eat the stuff they find on the ground. It just seems right to have them here with their more colorful cousins.

I’ve tried to capture a good image of one or more of these friends. My luck has been running at zero. The light is never right, or the scene contrast is wrong or there are a bunch of sparrows surrounding them. As I watched them recently and thought about their place in the world, I came up with this:

Dressed in drab colors,
She eats what falls to the ground,
And draws no notice.

I think some people are like that. What do you think?

This entry was posted in Birds, haiku, poetry by Chuck. Bookmark the permalink.

About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

7 thoughts on “Dark Eyed Junco

  1. I am in AW of anyone who can photography birds. I try and try and try and never get it right!

    Rebecca @FreakyFrugalite

  2. So pretty bird.. haven't seen it in person. Hemmm.. about the haiku, yep I guess so, some people are like that. I don't think I am? hehehe.. I am still here Chuck, am so sad you're not in EC no more.. 🙁

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