Yesterday was hot. Temps reached the mid 80s. Moisture from Tuesday’s rain had gone by the afternoon. It was time to mow the lawn for the first time this year. So I did.
I was about halfway through the job when I saw a killdeer doing the “broken wing” dance. Where is the nest she’s trying to hide?
I continued mowing while keeping an eye out for the well hidden nest. Once clear of that immediate area, I kept looking back to see where the bird would return.
Each time I came around, the killdeer was a bit bolder.

Killdeer defends nest
And then I saw the well camouflaged nest. It held four eggs.
I mowed a large circle around the nest and the left the inside undisturbed. Not the question for which we await an answer is: How long before the eggs hatch? Stay tuned.
I was mowing with a large farm tractor, she stopped right in from of me with her broken wing act. I got off and looked and found them right in fron of the tractor. I did pick one up in my hand, it flattened out almost as thin as cardboard in my hand. I put it back down, waited a bit and watched. Finally Mom called and the four of them came running as she walked away. God sure has given them many abilities.
Mowing hay could be a nasty experience. Fortunately, you were alert and saw Mom in time. I’m in awe of our creator God and the wisdom that he poured into His creation.
Totally cool. I LOVE kildeers
Right. Me too! :awe:
Awww. The bird picked the right yard to house her babies in. :cloud9:
I’ve never seen one of those birds in person! We have to mow for the first time this year too. :woot:
Before it was paved, killdeer would build their nests in the middle of our driveway. :whaa:
A princely deed! Soon. We have a nest of robins from which the fledglings have already flown. :clap:
It’s amazing how quickly they come forth and become part of the flock.
cool! we had one at work that nested right next to the building in the stones.
Earlier this year, I discovered a nest in the stones at the edge of the church parking lot.