Will someone tell him this is not an air race?
Austin didn’t win
At the end he spun up high
Don’t try this at home
At the end of a rain delayed Coke Zero 400 at Daytona, a freak accident sent 25-year-old Austin Dillon flying inverted over two rows of cars. That phase of his terrifying ride came to an end at the catch fence. His car went from 180 MPH to full stop in about two car lengths. The car fell back on the track and slid to the side. The ride wasn’t over. An out of control car came spinning his way. Another hit sent the demolished vehicle into another spin.
Shock and near panic followed. Crew members ran to Austin’s aid. He climbed out and waved at the crowd. Austin suffered a bruised tail bone and arm. Some spectators were also injured.
Can you believe he finished seventh? He did.
This is not why I watch NASCAR races. I like to see the ballet of a well executed pit stop. Or a clean, smart pass. It’s good to see a different strategy develop and bring the driver and car to victory lane.
I suppose it’s like water polo or hockey, if you don’t understand the rules and strategies, it can be very confusing.
Life is like that too.
It’s very exciting indeed. We used to watch Indy cars as Joe lived down there for awhile. We’d go to the time trials which was less crazy (?) than the race itself. Fun to see the speed and the driving skills.
That driver sure is lucky to be alive after all of that!
Very fortunate, indeed. It’s fun to watch vehicles race .. .. open tires or stock cars, on track. road course, off road or country lanes. I used to love the figure 8 races on a paved short track. Not so much anymore. Where’s the joy in wrecking a perfectly good car?