Beauty or Beastly?
Warm weather is here. And I’m enjoying it! :frolic:
Sylvia is working in the flower gardens and I’ve just treated key areas near the house and garage with Critter Ridder. I’ve been trying to discourage the burrowing bad boys from digging in those places. I’m hoping this works and that I’m able to seal those places permanently. Time will tell . . .
That is the colour of summer.
Indeed it is my friend. Most folks consider these beauties to be a noxious weed and they are prolific, but they have such a beautiful flower and flower and leaves are edible.
You’re right about summer up there! We were remembering morel mushrooms in the spring. Have not had any in over 50 years. Fried in butter….mmmmmm!
But just have to remember that where ever you live it’s only temporary.
It’s been a while since I’ve gathered morels. I remember when I gathered a shopping bag full of them while we were still in married housing at MSU. I remember how much you loved those. :food:
We used to sing a song that said in part, “This world is not my home. I’m just a passing through.” :beam:
Dandilions! Don’t see them much down here. We’ve had a few this spring and, unlike up north, it’s a preasure seeing them. The afternoon showers have started already signaling the arrival of summer. And, it’s time to keep an eye on the tropics to see what’s headed our way.
I don’t mind seeing them. Edible beauty, that’s what they are. :food:
Thanks. I’m staying here in Michigan. I don’t care much for snow and cold, but nowhere has better summers than we do–as you well know. :cloud9:
We’ve got holes alongside our house right now…perhaps some critter ridder would work here too. :dance:
You might try it. :dontknow: I bought mine from Amazon.com.