What do you think it is?

Fairy dust? Saw dust? Pollen?
Today, I stepped out the door to place an outgoing letter in the mailbox. I had taken only a few steps when the first drops began to fall. A little rain water never hurt anyone. I kept walking.
I remember my mother used to collect rain water in a tub. She wanted soft water and that’s how she got it. She taught me that rain water is soft water.
By the time I reached the mailbox, that rain was starting to feel like hard water. On the way back to the house, I could see the little pellets hitting the driveway ahead of me. Snow! No, really. One-eighth-inch size little snow balls were hitting the ground.
As I stepped into the house, the pace picked up. Maybe I could capture an image. I did that. Got two shots.

April snow upon the grass
Like most April snows, this one didn’t last long.
I had a clue because I had read Sharkey’s post in which she mentioned snow. She graciously did not show us a picture of it. :rofl: :
Message received. I’ll not post a pic of today’s snow. :badmood:
My son’s teacher sent home an email to dress the kids in coats because cool weather and another light snow were coming. I hope it’s that light only. :up:
The snow was light, but the rain was heavy. Hope your son was comfortable.
Soccer game at 9 this morning. I hope we don’t freeze out thar’ 😉 I like the later games better when it’s chilly. 🙂 No snow in the forecast today, woot!