This morning, I was catching up with my Facebook friends when I came across a post to which a friend had replied. It asked the question, “What fairytale creature are you.” My friend said, “A dwarf, and my name is Grumpy.” Must not be a morning person.
I’m not a morning person either, but I had to find another answer. (At this point I’m reminded of standing in the outfield watching the baseball coming my way. It grew larger and larger. What was going on? And then it hit me.) Then it hit me. I’m from Michigan’s lower peninsula. Therefore, I’m a troll.

Do they get good wi-fi under the bridge?
They call us “trolls,” because we live under (south of) the bridge. I remember the days before the bridge, when we took a ferry to cross between Mackinaw City and St Ignace.
A few had posted versions of “It’s a great winter we’re having this spring.” That seemed very appropriate to me. I woke this morning to a snow white world. Even now, snow is falling from the sky.
Excuse me. I’m going to crawl under my bridge.
I wondered why they called us that, now I know! I’m a troll too, happy to be in good co. :tiphat:
A sentiment that we share. :up:
Trolls unite! :woot:
At least you have internet service under that bridge.
And that’s just one reason that I’m not complaining. :laff:
I’m fleeing to Alabama with Loretta for a week. Hopefully the white will be diminished when we return. I’m feeling a lot like a troll.
Looks like warmer temps and rain coming up for us. That should diminish that white cover. They are saying that spring will come late this year. Oh yes, definitely feeling like a troll.
Have fun in Alabama.
I must be the wicked witch (Worlock) of the north cause i spent the afternoon snowmobiling and soooooooo enjoyed the event and the white stuff even though it covered my new Bass Boat.
There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the snow. I’m just glad that you can. Sylvia showed me a pic of that boat. It sure is a beauty! :cloud9:
We’ll give you a holler when it’s safe to come out from under.
Thanks! :tiphat: I appreciate that.