We’ve finally finished transforming the mudroom. We no longer have a mudroom. It is now the Entry Way. The floor is solid and level. The cracks are gone. The worn-out linoleum is gone. There is baseboard all around the room. Yes, it has been pronounced as “good” by the one who matters.

The scene looking left as you approach the entry way
It was a lot of work, but together Sylvia and I [a little bit] got it done.

From the house side looking toward the garage
The stand has been around for years. My parents had it, and I think they got it from Mom’s folks. We loaned it to our son for his daughter, Briana, to use. Barbara (her mother) painted it a pretty purple for Briana to use. Now it’s yellow–than can happen when you have left over paint. Right, Sylvia? Here’s a detail from the top shelf that’s not clearly visible in the wide shot.

I prefer to think of it as a “personalization.” That’s so much nicer than “mutilation.” I was probably about eleven years old and had a folding knife in my pocket. It started with the little notch on the left and proceed on with the larger carving on the right. What followed was “instruction,” which must have been efficacious as the infraction was not repeated. The result is that the stand has precious memories for me. (Time in its tender mercy has washed any memory of “correction.”)
The plumber has arrived and I need to wrap this up.
Nice makeover!
Thanks Verla it was two years in the process, but after we fired the first contractor, it kicked into high gear. Sylvia and I finished it according to her design. It was almost fun. :rolleyes:
I gave a few items character as a child and received some correction myself. Nice “entry,” but I think you need a mudroom with the garden.
Another board of education applied to the seat of learning?
The garage will have to serve that function now. 🙂
Looking sharp!
I have a table with the words ‘I love Sam’ carved on the top. Sam was my second oldest son’s first ‘true love.’ When she went off to college and he was still in high school, boy was he blue. He hasn’t had a serious gf since, and he’s 21 now (no rush). I didn’t refinish that table, but moved it out of the offender’s room, and covered it. I bet it’ll jog his memory someday too. 😉 And what once was a table that had me going :nono:, now offers me fond memories. I guess that carving memory stuff works both ways. 😉
At least it wasn’t a tattoo on the forehead. :rofl:
How wonderful to possess physical artifacts that jog such memories! Yes, I see why you may no longer refer to the entryway as a “mudroom.” Well done.
They are nice and it is good to have them to keep memories alive.
I think “mudroom” was originally used to describe function and not condition. Nevertheless, I’ll not argue with the boss. 😉