I enjoy watching our flowers come into blossom. It seems there is always something in bloom. There is beauty in everyday, and not just in the flower beds and out on the lawn and in the fields. If you look you will find it.

Miniature Daffodils
At first glance, these look like the full-size version. However they are only about 1.5 inches across. That compares with the 4-inch daffodils, and makes these only one seventh the size (area). I am fond of these little fellows.

This one was shy
All blossoms of this variety wanted to look at the ground. I had to shoot up to get capture this image. The orange gives a nice frilly touch.

Only a few of this type
White and yellow daffodil (no orange) is the least numerous of the many daffodils in our flower beds. These seem to have a pleasant two-tone simplicity that I find appealing.
It won’t be long before we see tulips in blossom. The buds are getting bigger each day.