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I’ve been lax on posting lately, and I apologize for that. Today, I’m sharing this picture of my paternal grandmother with you.

My grandma the fashion model
Yup, her mother ran a millinery shop. Quite enterprising for a turn of the [last] century woman. Grandma was a piano player and when she was older derived some income for playing for the silent movies. I miss her stories and especially that infectious laugh she had and passed along to others.
I have always thought that playing piano for silent movies must have been an interesting job. I like silent movies.
Grandma said there was “nothing to it.” If it’s a tender moment you play something sweet and emotional. If it’s a chase scene you play something fast. :frolic: Play staccato for gun fights. Then she would laugh. She used to laugh a lot.
She is beautiful, and sweet.
Thanks to the power of photography.
Thanks, I think she was all of that.
It is very good to have images like this to capture a memory.
Hardeharhar… She looks like she liked being dressed up as much as I did. Great photo. And I can see you in her.
Sharky, she told me once that she hated it when her mom dressed her up like this. Can you imagine wearing a hat like that for real? I’d have dropped it into a mud puddle before I was 10 feet out of the house. :ha: I’ve been told more than once how much like her I am. I wish I was more like her. Grandma H was really cool.
I believe you are like Grandma H. And, yes, she was really cool in many ways. :cheer:
You can see Clara’s response to the first part. There is a strong resemblance in our facial structure.
You can see that she is braced against a chair, which was necessary for the long exposure times required by the technology of that time.
That hat is over the top; ah, er, perhaps I should just say “on the top.”
Old pictures of beloved relatives are special!
I guess it’s true however you say it. Perhaps Granny (that’s what we called her mom) was showing off when she put that hat on grandma.
It’s especially nice to have pictures of those relatives when they were young. :frolic:
You have some great memories of her! That picture’s awesome. She was a little beauty!
Yes, I do. She was indeed, but I remember a feisty old gal that was also quick with a laugh. Great sense of humor. :rofl: