This past week, Sylvia spent a lot of time in the garden. Most of her time was spent tending to hail damage from the big storm. She removed lots of leaves and stems from zucchini and cucumber plants. Ditto for tomatoes, where she pruned many severely damaged branches. Hail had stripped a multitude of tomatoes from the vines.
Saddest for us was the state of the rhubarb. The leaves looked like lace doilies and the stalks were badly bruised in many places. Sylvia trimmed away the damaged parts and it looks very healthy again.
Fortunately, the jalapeños suffered minimal damage. We did test that last night with some yummy poppers for supper. We also had some super-good coleslaw with fresh cabbage that didn’t end up in the [now fermenting] sauerkraut.

A head tucked underneath his arm . . . Two cabbages with combined weight of 16 lbs.
I can’t find words to describe how incredibly delicious Sylvia’s slaw was. (I had two very large helpings. :food: ) Life is good! :woot:
Hokey Smokes, now that’s some cabbage!!! I love cole slaw. If I lived closer, I’d invite you and Sylvia over for lunch (thinking slaw might be a great gift to bring along, hehehe). :food:
If you lived closer, we’d come for lunch with coleslaw in hand and a couple of zucchini to boot. :whaa:
Oh my GOSH! The small shot on my phone—I thought they were watermelons!! Hahaha! Those are HUGE! You is a good farmer.
The two weigh a bit over 16 pounds. That a lot of coleslaw. :dance:
The secret is in the soil and we’ve worked hard to build that up for excellent harvests. AND, it is all organic. No artificial chemicals. ❗
Wish you could drop in for lunch one day. :yea:
Lots of cole slaw! Yum.
I love it too. :food: This year’s seems to be the best ever. Color me happy. :woot:
Yum! cabbage and cabbage
The only bad thing about our cabbage is that it is all harvested. :no: What is there to look forward to now? :dontknow: Only tomatoes, zucchini, onion, potatoes (having the first ones tonight :food: ), jalapeños and rhubarb for pie. :woot:
Turn it into a cabbage farm; those things seem to be impervious to hail. :haha:
Excellent idea. :up: Those cabbages and the root crops are the only plants that didn’t suffer any damage.