We’ve been a bit more busy than usual over this last week. In fact it was a week ago that the crew from the tree service came. They spent Friday and Saturday trimming and cutting trees, hauling and piling brush and grinding out stumps. They did a great job. I can actually see the road and our mailbox from our office window.

Trimmed trees look better
We had a different company that was going to come last fall. Two days before our scheduled time. An early winter storm hit us with heavy winds, which caused a lot of damage. No surprise when the didn’t show. Two weeks later, just before I called to follow up with them, we were hit by an ice and snow storm. Again, there was widespread tree damage. Thousand of homes were without power. The snow stayed the rest of the winter.
This year, we discovered another tree service that is located just three miles from here. The owner is a nephew to our neighbor–the one who lives just across the road from us. He gave us a good price and the guys did an excellent job.
This week on Tuesday, I had the one-year follow up to my cancer surgery. The blood test shows no sign of cancer. For that I am grateful. It takes me about an hour drive to meet the surgeon (urologist) in his office. He lives two miles from here.
Wednesday and Thursday we were hosts to some long-time (40 years) missionary friends. Americo and Kathy are in the states on home ministry assignment. We had a great time with them as we talked about the times we had together in Ecuador and of the things we’ve been doing since Sylvia and I returned to the states.
Poor Nellie disappeared from view for the duration of our guests’ visit. After the “aliens” had departed, Nellie ventured out of the basement in search of some loving.
Our church’s annual Missions Conference is this weekend. We’ll be very much involved in that and Sylvia will baking and cooking some items for that. Our speakers are missionaries to Ecuador. We’re looking forward to that.
Sometimes the world seems very small.
That’s pretty funny that the doc lives 2 miles away but you both travel and hour to his office. Hooray for the good report.
It may be funny, even ridiculous, but Doc gets paid for the office consultation. It takes twice as long to set up the next appointment. :rolleyes:
That will be awesome to hear missionaries from Ecuador speaking. Is that why you and Sylvia were there?
We were in Ecuador as [one-term] missionaries. That was 40 years ago.
Praise the Lord for the health report!
You seem to have no trouble keeping busy.
Thanks :tiphat:
I’m thinking I’d like to be a hermit when I grow up. :rolleyes:
GREAT news!!! And I’m glad you are cancer free too! 😉
Sounds like a good week when you are busy with lots to do. Glad the trees were cleaned up before winter too. They are saying it is going to be another bad one, but I am refusing to go into winter thinking like that.
How nice to spend time with old friends too. I’m guessing you’ll be recuperating from this week on the lounger by the TV.
Thanks, Lin. This next I’ll probably be near the TV when I’m not here in front of the computer screen. (I :awe: Netflix.)
What is a storm?
Is it the naughty winds that join up to play some tricks, but end up things get out of control.
A storm is formed by an area of low pressure, which results in high (or strong) wind. This comes with precipitation. In these cases the precipitation comes in the form of snow.
You description of naughty winds that get out of control is an excellent description of a storm.
It sounds as though you are very busy and enjoying life. Good news that you are cancer free!
Thanks, Verla.
Two of the best words in the English language: CANCER FREE!!!! Praise God!!
Your trees are looking pretty good, too.
Thanks, Sis. I’m taking it as, “So far, so good.” It could return, but we’ll rejoice in the present situation.
Did you notice the two brush piles? They’ll make quite a bonfire.
I am very happy to hear you are in good health and you have been having a busy week. Busy weeks are a blessing from God, a reminder we are bestowed with the Lord’s grace and able to partake in many activities. Even hard work is a blessing (we may not think it is sometimes :)), the Lord is good all the time! When you mention Sylvia baking it reminds me of the rice crispy treats she used to share with the “Girls in Action” (though those are not baked), those were special times. I pray you and Sylvia have a blessed weekend! :hkitty:
Thanks so much, Carissa. You are absolutely correct. Busy weeks are blessed weeks. I think Sylvia will also reply to your comment. We’re praying for you too. God bless and yours.
Hi Carissa, I remember how much fun you girls in action were! I just donated the tent we used to use to Branch Adventures (a Christian Camp my friend Caroline is involved in). I haven’t used it since Connecticut and decided to give it to them for their Extreme U.P. Teen Camp they have every year. I don’t help with that, but I help with Horsemanship Camp every June for a week.
If you want to make Scotcheroos for your family, you put 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup Karo syrup (clear), and 1/2 cup peanut butter in a large fry pan or sauce pan. Cook over medium heat until it just starts bubbling as you stir it. Turn off heat and add 3 cups of Rice Crispies and stir to coat; add 1/2 cup of chocolate chips if desired or sprinkle some on top after pressing the mixture in a buttered 8 inch square cake pan–that way they don’t melt so much. Let cool a bit and enjoy. If you cook the mixture too long the Scotcheroos get kind of hard, so less is better. It only takes about 5 minutes to make them. Double the recipe for a crowd and use a 9 by 13″ cake pan.
I love seeing you and your family on Facebook, even tho’ I don’t comment very often. Dios te bendiga. Sylvia
Thank you so much for the recipe. I will make them for my children as well. I had been working in the church with the children as a Sunday School teacher and ocasionally sang to them the songs I learned with you as a girl. They got a kick out of the sign language song “sambisayo…hallelujah!” I just wanted to let you know the work you did with us was special and I have never forgotten, you were a blessing. Take care and I will continue to pray for you both.