If you live around this part of Michigan, you’ll remember the first day of spring. It really did look just like this:
Yes, this was taken on Wednesday morning in Grand Rapids. When I said that I was ready for spring . . . this is not what I had in mind!
As I write this, Sylvia should be somewhere in O’hare Airport waiting to board the plane that will carry her to Grand Rapids. I think she must be bringing some of that warm Florida air with her. A look at the forecast shows that the cold snap should be ending and warmer weather is coming. That is good.
During Sylvia’s absence, Nellie has become a bit more comfortable with me. It appears that she only wants to be around us when we are sitting. If we are standing, she keeps her distance. If we take even a step in her direction, she runs away. I’m wondering if she was abused. At least she doesn’t flinch and draw away if I extend my hand towards her like she used to do.
Lately, I get nearly an hour of “kitty time” in the evening. That comes during the time when I watch some TV before going to bed. It seems more and more to be a real good arrangement for everyone. At least I’m not going to trip over Nellie when walking through the dimly lit house at night.
I’ll try to post a bit more next week. This week has been filled with distractions.
We’ve finally had some spring-like days. Sorry I haven’t been visiting your blog lately. Stuff going on that’s chewing up my time at the moment.
Yes, and if the prognosticators are correct, we have another beautiful day is on the way. :up:
I understand your absence.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, not that you guys needed that anyway. I bet she’s happy to be home with you and Nellie too.
Glad she’s warming up a little. And I forgot to say on your other post that I like the Sharpie on your shoes. :yea:
I mean, glad Nellie’s warming up a little, not Sylvia. :ha:
Either one is good though . . . right? :rofl:
She may be scared of men for some reason. Give her time–once she learns what a gently guy you are, she’ll come around. Even Hobbes and Grace tolerate each other sometimes…so I know you will win her over.
You are right. She is coming around, but it is a slow process. 8)
We’ll all be happy for you when Sylvia is back home; yet not nearly so happy as you will be, I suspect!
Nellie and I are happy to have our lady with us once more. I can confirm your suspicions as being correct and well founded.