Sunday and Monday provided both rain and relief from hot temperatures. Today, I’m sitting at the computer in our nice cool basement. Plenty of light here in the walk-our end and it is comfortable! I’m feeling like a genius for having moved the computers from the
hot very hot upstairs. 😀
Best of all the electricity bill is not going to double during the summer months like it did last year. If we run the AC, the extra energy usage puts us into a double-rate situation. No thanks. I’ll open the windows from evening until morning and spend most of my day here in the cool.
What do you do to deal with the heat? The local newspaper had an online poll today in which they asked folks what they did to beat the heat. I saw that this morning and the next item that I saw was Lin’s blog post, “It’s too hot to blog.” Now, I’m sitting here drinking a steamy hot cup of Guatemalan coffee. Mmmm, good! 😉
It’s here. We are in its grasp, halfway through this heat wave terror. It only lasted 2 days, you say?
Can’t wait for a cool down! 🙂
Since I so dislike cold weather, I try to keep complaints about the hot weather to a minimum. But we surely need rain.
A chair, a book, and a glass of iced tea. Except today I did something else. But it wasn’t quite 90 here. That seems to be my non-functional temp.
Oh SURE, rub it in, you sipping hot coffee while I can barely swallow my un-iced tea. LOL
We are on the brink of the heat wave, it’s chugging toward us tonight. Ugh, give me winter.