It was a little over a year ago that I launched a writing project. The idea was to write 365 letters to the members of my immediate family — one for every day of the year. I would write about things I remember. There would be snippets of family history and genealogy. And every day there would be an inspirational thought. I would wrap it up in time to present the collection to the family members for this Christmas.
That project went well for a few weeks. By mid December, I was not happy with where it was going. I enjoyed the discipline of writing something each day, but a review of my work left me convinced that I was not on the right path. I stopped writing for a while and considered methods to freshen my approach and to consider the alternatives to the original project.
My sister, Clara, had been blogging for a while, but it never occurred to me that I might want to do something like that. I would visit her blog from time to time and liked what I saw. Nothing clicked for me.
Then my niece (Clara’s daughter), Mikki, sent me an e-mail. On December 31, she posted an article about Sylvia and me on her blog. The message was to tell me that it was there online.A click on the link took me to her blog and the story. Mikki told of a visit she made to us when she was a youngster. That visit had happened over twenty years earlier, but it all came alive again as I read Mikki’s narrative. Once again the laughter and the tears flowed. (Have you never cried from laughing so hard?)
It clicked! The realization dawned that this [blogging] is an excellent medium for sharing one’s thoughts. After a couple of days of thinking about it and a phone call to my sister, Clara, I started blogging on January 2 of this year.
My original plans have morphed as I’ve sought to find my way. Clara has been a huge help and soon blogger buds were providing excellent feedback through their comments. You continue to provide encouragement and ideas. This should be post number 320. It is hard to believe that time has flown by so swiftly.
Mikki, you are aware that V returns to TV on ABC in four days, aren’t you? Watch for it on Tuesday evening (8 PM Eastern Time). You can catch the election results after the program. (She lives in Virginia.) Or record it and watch it after the kids have gone to bed. Thanks. I love you.
Sharkbytes, Funny how it works that way. So now you have another family of folks who think you're great and who love to read what you post on your blogs.
This is very interesting. I started blogging so that my friends and family could know what I was up to. The fact is that almost none of them ever read my blog. They just either aren't computer people, or they aren't interested.
But I've sure found a bunch of great on-line friends!
Justine, Do you see a pattern? I know that I've been adjusting course as I go onward.
Vanilla, Thanks. It's like finding another family. There has been so much mutual support and positive vibes here online.
Lin, I'm looking forward to reading that post. In other words, I hope you do post the story of why you started blogging. I suspect that most of us have similar stories.
Thanks you have become like a sister and a good bud.
Oh, Chuck, I like the idea behind this post–I may have to steal your "how I started blogging" idea. Isn't it weird how we all ended up here doing this everyday?? I'm glad I did and you did. You are a good blog pally.
And we who are not members of your family get to enjoy your wit and wisdom, too. Thanks for choosing "blogging."
Isn't it amazing to look back through your past posts and see how your blog has taken all different directions?
BK, Fine tuning needs to be an ongoing part of our blogging activities.
Mikki, I watched a long trailer last night and it was great. I've already set the DVR to "Record Series."
FishHawk, Fortunately, I never sent any of those letters. I was collecting them to bind together. Fortunately, in a mad moment of sanity, I saw that it was not what I wanted to do for them.
Did anyone in your family ever write you back–even if only to ask you who you were? If so, I've been there.
Every time the underside of that saucer flips to video and she says, "We mean you no harm", I start bouncing up and down on the couch in anticipation! I can't wait. I hope they don't ruin it.
(Jim keeps asking me what so darn great about it. Poor, poor, ignorant Jim.)
Glad that you have found back the 'feel' for blogging. I have been through several phases of questioning the direction of my blog and fortunately for me, it is almost always the same; maybe an addition in some areas and subtraction in another.