I have been frustrated in recent years by an inability to read more than a couple of pages in a printed book at a single sitting. Once in a while something would engage me enough that I might make it through four or even five pages, but then I’d have to lay it aside.
Last Christmas my son showed me his new Kindle HD Fire. That looked interesting. His daughter, Briana, had a new tablet, which is also very nice–and it has a larger screen. A few months ago, I found myself with a few extra pesos and decided to check out the Kindle. I did and read side-by-side reviews of Kindle and Nook. I bought the Nook HD+.

That is not my toast. Sylvia bakes our bread, which has a different shape and far better, but this familiar object is included to provide an idea of size.
It has revolutionized my reading habits. I can now read even 100 pages at a sitting. It is super! I should also say that this post is unsolicited and uncompensated. I just wanted to share my very positive experience with you.
Our friend Shark aka Joan Young’s book North Country Cache is one of the few that I’ve read on paper in the last few years. If you haven’t read this book, you should. You can learn more and purchase a copy here. Or on her own Website.
I recently downloaded the 100 page fiction story, The Hollow Tree at Dead Mule Swamp. Joan makes this short story available for free download. I enjoyed her non-fiction a lot and wanted to sample her style when writing fiction. I was not disappointed. I’ll be purchasing the other e-books in the Dead Mule Swamp series.
If you’re not familiar with Shark’s blog, do stop by and pay it a visit. Please tell her that I sent you. Thanks.
I read “Getting Organized” and thought of a trick I use to keep Email addresses I use a lot, close to the top of the address list. I insert a space as the first character of the display name. A space is the lowest character in the sort hierarchy, so that record is always at the top.
I enjoyed our afternoon chat very much.
I use a similar technique for computer sorted lists. It works well on telephone numbers lists and for file file names in a folder.
Our chat was very pleasant. I also enjoyed it immensely. 8)
I read books on my iPhone and iPad, and feel the same way as you. These gadgets make book reading much easier. And I love Joan’s books!!!
Joan is a very talented woman. She is also a good friend.
I have a Kindle and like to read books on it sometimes.
It’s great for travel.
There are lots of free Kindle books available, so I’m guessing there are probably a lot of Nook books somewhere free too. I got my daughter-in-law a Nook for Christmas a couple of years ago and she still loves it and uses it all of the time.
Yes, there are a lot of free Nook books available. I’m reading one just now. I’ve also bought several titles.
I particularly like having multiple volumes available in such a compact, light-weight format. 8)
Woo hoo! Chuck. Thanks so much for the shout! Only thing is you can’t get NCC at Smashwords. Just change the link the booksleavingfootprints.com and you are good.
I used the Smashwords link because it is the profile. I should have added the other too. Sorry about that. I’ll correct it. 😐
I purchased a Kindle second hand as I was unsure how often I would use it. Now that I have discovered free ebooks, I am adding to my library daily! At least it takes up a lot less space. (I have not given up on bound books yet)
Being able to adjust type size is a HUGE benefit.
And trying new genres seems simpler as well. Or less of a risk?
It has also lead me to interact more with authors online, which has opened new doors. 🙂
I am reading a free e-book just now. There are good book available that way and some for a very nominal price. I love the adjustable type face and size. It certainly helps. Also, at night, or in low-light, I use white type on a dark background.
Good point about checking out new genres. I’m starting to look into that. 8)