I’ve been thinking. I’ve been studying. I’ve come to a conclusion
I want to be a koala.

Briana holds a koala
Did you know? Koalas sleep about 20 hours per day. Only four minutes a day are spent in active movement. Sounds about right to me.
Wait! I just read the next paragraph. The typical life span for a koala is 13 to 18 years. Never mind.
Perhaps it’s not so bad being me after all.
I think they smell too….from all the eucalyptus leaves.
I still haven’t figured out what I want to be yet. I’m working on it.
The odor is another reason that I’m content to be me. :rolleyes:
As to what I want to be when I grow up, I’m still working on that too. :uh:
Well, you are already cute and cuddly. Maybe you don’t need to sleep quite that much. I know. I should be slapped. Too bad. Had to tease. :laff:
Aww. You are right. Ten to ten and half hours is enough sleep for me. :rolleyes: No, you should not be slapped. Sorry, but this time I had to disagree. Teasing is okay when it’s done in the right spirit between friends. :stars:
The koala is cute and the little lady holding him very adorable. Sweet picture!
The young lady is our granddaughter. That photo was the inspiration for this post. :hkitty:
Aww, that’s a sweet picture. Where was she to be holding a Koala?
She was in Australia.
That was my first guess. 🙂 :up:
And a good guess it was. 😎