Today, we observe a federal holiday, commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, by the Continental Congress declaring that the thirteen American colonies regarded themselves as a new nation, the United States of America, and no longer part of the British Empire. All over this land people will be celebration our nation’s 239th birthday party. How great is that?
Do take time to review the reasons for this day and why our forefathers approved the Declaration of Independence 239 years ago today. You can review the document here.
Yesterday, something seemed different. I was walking down the driveway toward the mailbox, but my usual escort, the killdeer, was nowhere to be seen. What’s going on?

They’ve hatched!
The day before, four eggs filled the leaf-lined depression (center frame). They must have hatched. Hooray!
The chicks have come out of their shells and are now learning about independence. I see young people who are going through a process of learning about it too. It’s a beautiful thing, but it’s neither easy nor cheap.
Paul, in his letter to the Galatians (5:1) wrote: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” He goes on to warn them not to abuse their freedom. Those are words to live by. Consider reading that fifth chapter of Galatians.
Finally, I hope you are celebrating Independence Day and not In Dependence Day.
It’s funny, I wrote about birds and independence/dependence today and I had not seen your post. 🙂 I guess we can learn a lot from Mother Nature.
I wish your bird friends long lives!
Thanks for those good wishes for the killdeer, Lin. I really enjoy watching them . . . they have such a funny run and when the do the faux broken wing routine, it’s very convincing. Oh, and they pretty birds too. I visited you earlier, but your post wasn’t up yet. I’ll check it out now. Hope you a great weekend.
…goodness, meekness, temperance, faith… against such there is no law.
That last phrase says it all!