On a day like today when the state police are asking folks who don’t have to go somewhere to stay inside, I’m inclined the ask, “Why?” The answer should be obvious. Even to a guy like me. Single digit temps, high winds and snow covered roads dominate the landscape. And, I hasten to add, my thinking as well.
Outdoors it is:


Very Nasty!
The light and dark patches against the background trees is caused by wind blown snow. Scanner traffic has brought more tales of woe for would-be travelers.
That’s why I’m staying inside today. Inside where it is:

Cozy and Comfy
Nellie has a paw over her eyes. Midnight used to do that same thing.
If you live in Miami, you might be tempted to comment something like, “Beautiful.” But that’s not true unless you’re talking about the cat. If you live around here you know better and are already praying for spring. Winter has just begun. Can spring come early this year? Would that be too much to ask? :badmood:
Even cool down here in Punta Gorda. A high of only 54 degrees. The natives are really shivering! The grandkids are hoping that it might snow…doubt that!
Stay warm!
Despite this bout of cold, this is still my home and I’m content. Fortunately, I don’t have to be somewhere else–like work. :clap:
I guess they really got hit hard in Cass Co. I’m sure you don’t miss that. :rolleyes:
Cheer up! The cold may knock down most of the emerald ash borer larvae, and it should certainly severely reduce the ticks in the spring. Remember when those were a southern problem?
I do understand that multiple benefits result from freezing, even sub-zero weather. Don’t read too much into my words in this post.
Time to read Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3 once more. Acquí me quedo (here I stay). :hkitty:
Beautiful it is not. -12 here this morning, but the good news: forecast up to +5 by mid-afternoon!
And that’s for sure! :stars:
It has warmed up to -7 F here and headed for +7 for the forecast high. :surrender:
It IS nasty out there…I can tell you that first-hand. I nearly cried when I took off my gloves to open the office door with the keys this morning. This is serious weather–can’t take it lightly.
I will admit that I still think it is very pretty. All the snow drifts here and there….
I can’t complain about it yet–we have a very long way to go.
Stay warm and safe, my friend!
This week, I get enough of outdoors just going out to check the level of propane in the tank. :whaa:
I think you got it worse than us, and we have more than enough.
Keep safe.
I think it’s pretty through the window, but I always worry about those (people and animals) who aren’t equipped to deal with it but must. It’s brutal out there.
Crossing my fingers on your propane. We got the call already today that there’s no school tomorrow. That sure does align with your statement that it’s nasty out there (it’s unheard of to get two days off around here). :stars:
Stay warm.
All the schools in this area are closed again today. However, the temps are up to single digit negative. Too cold for me!
Propane should get us through the week, but I’ll need to confirm that later today. :surrender: