I’ve been offline for about 24 hours. There was a broken wire in the cable that runs from our router, out the house, underground to the base of my tower and 70 ft up that tower. My ISP (and good friend), Brian, came out and fixed it after diagnosing the problem. It took two trips up the tower. I’m just glad I didn’t have to climb it. I don’t think I can do that anymore–at least not safely. :no:

Brian on the tall tower
There’s a great view from up there. I’d like to make the climb, and would–if I could.
I rely on the Internet for news updates and communications. It was like being deaf and blind for a day. UGH! Do you have trouble with Internet withdrawal?
I rely a lot on the Internet. If usage charges start to be assessed, I might discover it’s no longer important to me.
And, I suspect, your name would be “Legion.” Many of us would make the same discovery. Many is the time I’ve thought about packing it all in. Then life intervenes. :surrender:
I would if I were home, but don’t seem to miss it much when away. As in REALLY away. From civilization.
Yes, I understand that, :think: and it makes sense to me. :cloud9:
We went to Disney World for a week at the beginning of summer. The resort we were in gave us free WiFi for three days only. We though, eh, no big deal… come day 5 (our second day w/no internet) and we were def. jonesing for the Internet. 🙂
Glad you’re back up and running.
It’s amazing how deep modern technology has sunk its hook into us. :surrender: :beam:
Looking at the height of the tower, the last time I went up the 48 foot mast of the sailboat I had a ladder that attached to the mast but straight up. By the time I got this old body up there I knew it was the last time I would ever do that again. I have toyed with the idea of insulating the back stay for an antenna but with my arthritis the boat is about to be sold. Yes, things do change when we get older.
Just kind of remembering the old days of stringing up antennas. That new antenna that would give me umpteen dbs of gain. Good memories!
I’ve climbed a lot of towers–in the past. :surrender: Sure was fun putting up beams. The bigger they were, the better they were. I’d love to have a 5 el 20-m monobander. Yes indeed, that would be good. :up:
Internet withdrawal? Hah. I just spent three days in the boondocks, so, yes.
I have not made a tower climb like that in nearly sixty years, and like you, I could not do it now. All I can do to get to the top of the RV. :surrender:
Then you know what I mean about withdrawal. :stars:
I was climbing that tower in my 60s. I might still do it if was one with flat steps. Everything slopes on this one, which must be for it to be self supporting.