January Observations

Some of you have asked, so here’s an update: I’m continuing to improve as the antibiotic is overcoming that nasty infection. Sylvia brought home some yogurt for me today. That seems to help replace the beneficial bacteria in my innards.

I shot this in July 2009 from the driveway here on Secondary Roads.

Here’s an interesting meme that I first saw on Lin’s blog and then on PJ’s. I hope to see it next on your blog. It goes like this:

I am . . .

saying no to: Getting out of bed early. I’ve had my time of beating the sun up everyday and waking up the rooster.

saying yes to: Continuing this blogging madness. I thought about doing a year and then calling it quits. I’m enjoying it too much to quit.

giddy about: Very little. However, I do get excited by what I see happening in my granddaughter’s life. She is a lovely gal on the outside and on the inside. She is well balanced with excellence in achievements in academics and in athletics. In her final year of High School, she is charting a course for further education and a bright future. Fortunately, she has two wonderful folks for parents.

deeply inspired by: Those who have overcome despite physical or mental handicaps and adversity or persecution. I’m reading Sermons in Solitary Confinement by Richard Wurbrand. The author was a Christian pastor who was imprisoned by the communists when they took over Romania. He spent 3 years in solitary confinement 30 feet below the ground. His first sermon starts with taking God to task for unjust laws. It doesn’t end there, however. But you ought to check it out for yourself.

obsessed with: This blogging stuff. I spend way too many hours on it. And yet I continue to learn and grow, and the inner nerd needs to learn and grow.

in love with: My bride, Sylvia. Everyday I find something new to love, appreciate and admire about this beautiful person and mother of my sons. She’s my everything.

scared of: Stampeding elephants. No, seriously! I have one of those whistle things on top of my car to frighten them off. I think it must be working, because I haven’t seen any around here lately.

haunted by: By this feeling that I’ve forgotten something . . .

saved by: Faith in Jesus Christ for my eternal salvation. In this world, the love and support of family provide the impetus to continue and to strive.

How about you?

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

7 thoughts on “January Observations

  1. thanks for sharing this with us. i am happy to hear that you are going to continue your blogging, i very much enjoy what you have to say.

    have a wonderful day…hugz!

  2. On with the inner nerd! Yay!!!

    I love your answer to "saved by." I'm going to do this meme this week! 😀 You've inspired me.

    I'm glad you;re feeling better. I hear good things about yogurt; I should eat it.

    Rebecca @ FreakyFrugalite.com

  3. I love your answers. But I thought those little whistle thingies were to scare away the alligators… or was it deer? Hmmmm. I'm glad it scares the elephants, too.

  4. Ooooh, good one, Chuck! But I can't believe that you aren't giddy about your new kitty too! Sheesh.

    I'm with you on the blogging–addicting, but I'm still finding myself challenging my old brain each day. LOVE it!

  5. I am glad you are starting to feel better.
    Your granddaughter is a beautiful young lady.

  6. I am glad the antibiotics are working. I eat yogurt everyday. It seems to help keep things in order.
    Get well soon.

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