Two in one
When we bought this house. We found the rhododendron bush, but it had an azalea planted tight beside it. They were too close to separate and so the two continue to grow, each in the others embrace.
The azalea blooms in early spring. Later, the rhododendron takes its turn setting out blossoms. And so we have life within life. Look again. It is life within life within life.

Rolling in the treasure
Sylvia and I are enjoying this time of year. The weather is perfect for having windows open to let in fresh air. Better yet, we love to go outside. Sometimes we go out just to feel the fresh breeze on our face and to see and to smell. Everywhere we look, life goes on.
They add a show of continuous color. We saw a lot of beautiful ones in Ohio.
The flowering bush that keeps on giving!
Sylvia and I certainly enjoy it. :up:
It is the perfect time of year for getting out and about. I like your flowers. 🙂
They are nice, aren’t they? They also attract interesting visitors. :hkitty:
Life within life.
Bottom below bottom.
Those are funny, but never virtual.
Ah, so true my friend, Rainfield.
It is good to laugh and the funny stuff. :haha:
Hmmmm…maybe someone was thinking when they planted those two plants so close together….
I love this weather—not too warm..not too cold. I love having the windows open and hanging laundry on the line. Oh, and not paying for heat OR air conditioning! Whooohoooo!
The original owner planned to have a nursery. In a number of places he “temporarily” put plants in the ground. I’m sure this was the case here. The fatal heart attack put an end to his plans.
This weather is indeed great. We particularly enjoy those lower energy bills. :yea: