It was shortly after 6 PM Wednesday evening, and I was driving home. I looked toward the east and saw a vapor trail. That is not at all unusual. However, this one seemed to end at some scattered clouds where it became a bare space cutting through those clouds. I found myself praying that it would last long enough for me to capture the image. Fortunately, it did.

The eastern sky was interesting to me
From behind the barn, where I took the shot above, I walked toward our back door. The color and texture of the sky seemed to be begging me to “take my picture.”

It is skies like this that make me love my Michigan home
I captured the above image while facing north-northwest. Notice how much lighter the sky on the left. The sun is over in that direction.
Finally, I pointed the camera northwest and zoomed in a bit tighter. The shot overlaps the previous image. It was those wispy clouds that pleased my eye.
We are now in my favorite part of spring. It’s warm enough to go outside without a jacket, but the grass doesn’t need cutting. :yea: Yet.
Our grass needs cut. I don’t mind though, I’m just glad it’s warm out there! :yea:
The clouds decorate the sky.
If the land clues were cropped out, these could pass as pictures of an ocean. Beautiful. Love the blue sky!
I love it too, Vee. Out here that air is so clear and pollution-free that clear skies are always that beautiful dark blue. :cloud9:
Blue skies. Nice indeed. (Our lawn is in need of its second mowing.) :yea:
I have a while yet before the first mowing. :frolic: