I finally got to sleep last night around 2 AM. Today, I’m feeling like a semi-zombie (whatever that is or means). Sylvia and I were talking about peace this morning, in particular we were discussing ways to depict it. Shortly after I walked into the living room, where I saw this.

Napping Nellie shades her sleepy eyes
I confess that I wanted to curl up beside her and nap too. Doesn’t that sound like a good idea. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just hibernate for the winter? How would you like to awaken from sleep to find that spring had sprung?
I suppose someone will want to quote me a poem (you know who you are) like this one:
As a rule, man is a fool,
When it’s hot, he wants it cool;
When it’s cool, he wants it hot,
Always wanting what is not.
But that’s not what I’m saying. I just want a good night’s sleep. Mid-afternoon I can barely stay awake. Later, when I crawl into bed, drowsiness and sleep has fled to other parts. Fortunately, nothing of import requires me to rise early.
Nellie will disagree with that final sentence in the preceding paragraph. She will be quick to point out that I need to rise early and fill her bowl with nourishing cat food.
Style Rule For Bloggers
The use of passive voice and obscure words are to be eschewed.
You are like the newborn baby who has their days and nights mixed up. Try to fight the afternoon nap to get you back on schedule. Maybe just take a 15-20 minute nap to get your energy back, but not enough to stop you from sleeping at night.
I use that Z-Quill stuff and I like that. It is non-addictive, but it helps you fall asleep a little faster.
I can’t believe how that photo turned out! Looks like you photo-shopped a porch around kitty!
I can think of other ways I’m like a baby, but won’t go into that here. :laff:
I only cropped that photo slightly. Nothing was added. That’s the throw that Sylvia keeps on that couch. Call it serendipity. :woot:
It looks like she’s sleeping 3D on a bench, how funny! That’s a great picture!
I’m sorry you’re not getting any sleep. 🙁
Thanks Rosey, I’m very pleased with that photo. Sylvia says it looks the small pillows are floating in space. :whaa:
I eventually get to sleep and having fallen asleep once I’ll sleep the rest of the night. :uh:
I had to come back over and look. I do see the floating pillows. 🙂 :hkitty:
And not only is she peaceful, she chose to repose on that throw in just such a way that it looks like she has curled up on a chair outside the window. My sleep and eating cycles are all kitty-wonkus with the Friday night work. Stay warm and peaceful!
When I captured the image, I didn’t notice the details in the throw. I was completely focused on Nellie. Later, as I prepared the photo for upload, I saw the way it came together. Sylvia and I were very pleased, and we’re glad you like it too. 🙂
Sorry about your cycles getting out of whack. I can see how that can happen. :uh:
When I have sleepless nights followed by sleepy days, I succumb to an afternoon nap. Then I take a Tylenol PM and go to bed about an hour earlier than usual. Sleep all night and wake refreshed!!! :clap:
That’s a good plan if it works for you. It is pain that robs me of sleep, and it is getting worse. :frustrate:
Sorry to hear about the pain, Chuck. Can the Dr. prescribe anything to take only at night to help you through this difficult time?
Yes, he has. I’ve run out, and because it’s a “controlled substance,” I have to meet with him to get it renewed. It will be a couple of weeks before I do that and wait a couple more for the stuff to arrive. :stars: :surrender:
My solution: Dog climbs on to my lap and we both succumb to the afternoon nap. On occasion this follows the morning nap.
I had hoped that Nellie would be my lap cat, but she is not. And may never be that for me. However is continues to grow in confidence toward me and even seeks out my touch–if not my lap. :hkitty: