The first daffodil has ventured forth into bloom. But why is it staring at the ground. Perhaps it’s lonely?

Our first daffodil of 2014
It won’t be lonely for long, there are many more that should be in blossom by week’s end. We’ve still got a lot of work to do out there in the flower gardens.
And in the vegetable garden life is returning. I showed you rhubarb recently. Today, I noticed that garlic is also shooting up.

One of three giant garlic plants that I saw today
I tried to hide as many weeds as possible in the photos. Unfortunately, they seem to thrive. No matter what.
There’s probably a parable in there, don’t you think? It takes work to get the good things to grow in our lives. Unwanted stuff seems to flourish. My maternal grandma always told me, “Pull the weeds while they’re small.” She meant that for a parable too. She was a wonderful woman. (And she loved cats.)
You’re lucky to have a flower showing. None here yet, but I’m waiting.
Today, I have seven open and several more that appear to be only hours from opening. What a wonderful way to welcome the Easter season.
I am sooo going to miss my beautiful gardens this year. Living in an apartment has been great for the winter, but would love to be able to brows the gardens again (when our snow is gone, if ever, lol). Your mention of Grandma brought smiles, thanks for the memory.
I’m glad that your memories of our grandmother are happy thoughts. During the many years that we lived next door to her, I got to visit often–almost every day. She had some interesting stories to tell. Wouldn’t it be nice to visit with her again? :think:
I have been doing some early work in my flower bed- trying to reclaim it after several years. Too early to dig without damage, but general cleanup works.
I haven’t checked for frost in the vegetable garden, but it must be good enough by now to pull some weeds. The county newspaper reported that this winter drove frost six to eight-feet deep in some areas, which is twice normal depth for this county.
I’ll join in that chorus. :awe:
That daffodil is no fool—he’s keeping his head tipped just in case snow falls again. :surrender:
Hey Lin, that theory makes sense to me.