Midnight was lazing on the couch as I approached with camera in hand. The wrist strap stuck out, and it caught his eye. He acted all Mr. Innocent.
I love the way he does that. I wanted a closeup of my furry friend.
It was the moment he had been waiting for and he seized it. The moment and the wrist strap.
He got a tooth in it and tried to twist it away. That failed.
So he got both of those huge teeth behind the strap and improved his angle even more. We had a lot of fun, and like any youngster his attention was soon diverted to something else.
Midnight is about a year old. We don’t know the exact date. His mother gave birth in the neighbor’s barn and no one was there to note the event or the date. I think I’ll arbitrarily pick April 1 to celebrate his birthday. I officially retired on an April 1, and that was the same day that my mother-in-law passed away. It will help bring some balance to that day for me. What were you thinking?
Rebecca, That's what we too thought. He is a doll, but sometimes a bit naughty.
John, An interesting name you've chose for your kitty. And I love the spelling.
Lydia, I think it's just part of their nature to do that.
My boyfriends cat did this to my camera! They're so sweet and cute when they do this
Great pictures
Midnight is a great name for a black cat. We called ours Liquorice.
It's a sweet day to have a birthday.
He is a doll!
Pricilla, A hearty "Yes" to both of your comments. I feel richer having one here in the house with us, however.
Dawn, You didn't see the shots that I deleted from the memory card. It was a fun game for both of us.
Bella does the same thing… she thinks I'm playing.
I've ruined many good shots because of the strap. You think by now I'd remember to tuck it out of the way.
I think April 1st is a perfect day!
Cats are such sources of joy, aren't they
And just a touch of frustration….
Vanilla, Yes they are.
Fearsome teeth!
Lin, Gotcha Day is last December 4. That was the date of first big winter storm. I went out to the barn that morning and returned with a kitten on my arm. I held his two front paws between two of my fingers. He was tiny back then. Not so today.
Yes, he is bright-eyed and always alert. He has given us a ton of laughs and several frustrating moments. Overall we're glad to have him sharing our space.
Aww, he is so bright-eyed and alert! That is one beauty you got there, Chuck!! Isn't he a nice addition to your life??
We always celebrate our "Gotcha Day" as Daisy calls it. That's when we brought Hobbes home with us. I think you can pick any day that you want and if April 1 is your day, so be it. Happy "Gotcha Day" to both of you.