My friend, Bob, posted a photo of his three cats napping on a (for lack of a better description) kitty tower. I liked the looks of it and inquired about details in an e-mail to him. His response included a link to the online store where he had purchased his tower.
I followed the link, checked out the options and placed an order. It arrived on Tuesday just before lunch time. The bulky 59-pound package was not something I could easily carry, so I rolled it over obstacles and pushed it across the floors.
Soon, I had the parts laid out and had begun assembly. It went together easily. For now, I’ve left off the highest level. The photo shows why.

Assembled and in place
The big question would this appeal to Nellie as much as it did to me. It didn’t take long to discover the answer.

“I like it.”
Then she discovered her favorite part of her tower. From there she can watch me in my recliner, and she can see what’s happening in her kitchen. (That’s where her food bowl is, and a gal must keep an eye on that. Right?

Queen of all she surveys
Life is good.
She looks like she belongs!
Yes, she does. And she is spending more time on [in] the tower each day.
I’m just so happy that the last pictures were of your cat LIKING IT. We would spend the money, lug it into the house, assemble it and it would become a giant door stop. Good for you and kitty!
Thanks Kathy. :tiphat: I counted on three factors to win her feline heart: altitude, view and scratch-ability. Each day she spends a little more time on that new tower.
Quite the palace!
AND it provides a good view of where her staff can be found when not in the office. :laff:
Hurrah that she loved her new kitty castle!! :cloud9: I like it too. 🙂
:hkitty: It is nice, isn’t it? :hkitty: :awe:
What a lucky kitty! That is a GREAT tower!! Wait until the sun shines in on all of the levels. 🙂
Yes, she is. Sun isn’t shining here today. It started dark and gloomy and now it gloomy and raining. Just leaves me feeling gloomy. :badmood: Hhhmmm . . . I sense a pattern here.